2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

well donahue’s show started almost 20 years before oprah. if anything she put him out to pasture

Sorry, mixed up my Phils. I meant Dr. Phil, not Phil Donahue.

I don’t remember Donahue being particularly trashy. I thought he eventually got pushed out by the new upstarts who were crushing him in the ratings with more low brow stuff. But I was young and may be misremembering.

Naw, I think you have it right. Donahue wasn’t exactly high falootin, but it was a far cry from Jerry Springer garbage. He couldn’t compete with the spectacle, and I think he got a bit trashier over time, but it was obvious that he was just trying to emulate the nonsense that was running him over. I don’t think he had the heart for it, he may actually have been a decent person.

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A private group I am in wants to switch to telegram. I thought that was one of the right wing nazi places, no? Anyone know telegram? Don’t want to join if it is obviously.

It’s social media. Right-wing Nazis are on all of them.

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True but I thought it was especially so. If not I’m willing to use it.

It is where all the nazis go, yes. However I don’t think it’s a place designed specifically for the nazis, like Gab.

It’s a messaging app that appeals to neo-Nazis due to its libertarian view towards content. Its encryption and the owner’s reluctance to share information with governments has made it popular with both pro-democracy activists and groups like ISIS and white supremacists.

It seems like it offers privacy for people who want to plan crimes.

NY Times is providing live updates on the location of the Queen’s coffin if you want to follow along:

On the way to Edinburgh! Note - I assume her body is inside although they don’t specify that explicitly. Adds an air of mystery imo.

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Thank god. Jake Tapper’s three-hour primetime coverage of this old bat’s death left so many unanswered questions. Most importantly, who’s taking care of her corgis? Does Black Rod handle that or will they be entombed with the queen to join her in the afterlife?



Do these people not know how fucking wierd they sound? I’d run out the door if someone said that the quote was the mission of my university experience, and I was on the debate team!

Don’t these people know university kids have more on their mind than this wierd fetishization, like how to get laid, how to not starve, how to make friends, and work? You know life?

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telegram is popular with crypto people

Anyone know if anything is tourable in DC?

I have never been and would like to see it given I’m a political nut but I am worried nothing is accessible. I looked at white house and seems only way in is with recommendation from congressperson. Lol

Best things to see in DC are the various Smithsonian museums and maybe the monuments and such. They used to do White House tours but even back in the day you had to get reservations way ahead of time.

American History Museum might be worth checking out for politics nuts. Lincoln Memorial and Vietnam War Memorial are right within walking distance of the Smithsonian. You might like the Native American History museum as I recall you’re a scholar of such things.


The Capitol building definitely is. I hear that some people can even get tours from actual Congresspeople and get to see all the secret tunnels and stuff.


Definitely agree on seeing the Smithsonian museums, which includes Air & Space, Holocaust Museum, African-American Museum, and the various art and history centers.

The Lincoln Memorial is a must see, and the Botanic Gardens are nice, especially when it’s cold outside. Finally, I think that the Library of Congress is very cool, especially if you like old books and ornate woodworking.

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There are multiple art museums, off the top of my head the National Gallery, the East Building of the National Gallery and the Portrait Gallery are the big three. I’m a fan of the Hirshorn for out-there modern art and the Sackler Gallery for Asian art. These are usually way less crowded than the history museums.

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5-card PLO high at MGM National Harbor.

I lived near DC for like 20 years before a date dragged me into the National Gallery and I was like what the hell there’s all these famous paintings and sculptures in here and all I had to do was walk in?