2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

It seems reasonable for the FAA to be concerned how the change in the license for that spectrum effects how airlines currently uses the adjacent spectrum, and for the FCC to be responsive to those concerns. And for the carriers to cooperate with FAA requests for technical information on exactly how that spectrum will be used and how it will impact the adjacent spectrum the airlines are using.



It’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $800,000?


Hint - the Americans they care about do average $100,000+ per year. The meat drones they don’t care about make less than that.


$300k sounds about right.

Poor Laura Dern. Will her child ever get the healthcare he/she so desperately needs in Obama’s America? Maybe she can meet a rich author.


This image never fails to deliver. Lazy Urban retirees don’t get any tax increase, I see. Typical!

Amazingly these income levels are almost 10 years out of date and they’re still outrageously high even with the run away Biden Inflation Crisis.

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How did the retired couple make $180K? That’s my kind of retirement!

Who the hell donates 15% of their gross income?

$52,000 in investment income, probably $50k in social security, throw in some modest pensions for each of them and you’re there.

Look at the picture man - they’re obviously hauling in welfare hand over fist. That money is supposed to go to Real Americans!

Trading NFTs, obv.

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Oprah can’t be happy that Stedman has a side-piece.

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I also want to know who these people are that make $470k as a dual income and have $180k in investment income per year.

You stay for free in grandma’s carriage house for a few years after college (that your parents paid for) and rent out your own house (that your parents paid for). Invest everything you save in tech stocks.

It’s called sacrifice.


It was brought up by the FAA at the time of the auction and the FCC told them to go fuck themselves! It’s not surprising to me that the Trump FCC prioritized the auction going forward with tens of billions of dollars at stake rather than boring stuff like air safety.

Trump’s minions may have exerted influence, sure. He appointed the FCC Chairman who conducted the auction. (Though in a measure of how fucked we are, that dude was originally appointed to the commission by Obama because, get this, it is or at least was then the norm to have the minority party have a say so Obama appointed this Ajit Pai dude, who was Mitch McConnell’s choice.)

It obviously wasn’t resolved, as the filters and regulations for stations around airports aren’t in place.

That is strange. The auction was three years ago. So why did the FAA wait till just a few weeks before the switch was going to be flipped to start issuing bulletins and directives and threaten shutdowns? The airlines, in those three years, urgently prepared by doing… nothing? No, not nothing. They’ve bought 5G devices and services for their employees. It’s as if they don’t mind 5G all that much. Or maybe they don’t think their people will need to use those devices near any airports.

No way should this situation be happening. Where exactly the fault lies isn’t clear to me but the FAA and the aviation industry aren’t exactly covered with glory.

I feel like we’re talking in circles here. The FAA says they couldn’t get the relevant technical details from the carriers and the FCC didn’t compel the carriers to cooperate to the degree the FAA wanted. That’s why they’re testing right now, and why the FAA has been pushing for delays until the testing is finished. They’re issuing directives now because the FCC allowed the carriers to operate their 5g base stations over the FAA’s objections, before they’ve tested and certified all the altimeters they need to. They’ve been objecting the whole time, just no one paid attention until they started cancelling flights.

The media, the public, the comm industry, and the airlines all seem to have been caught off guard. Only the instrument manufacturers seem to have been listening, and now they have a solution ready to sell with no one to sell it to if 5G fears aren’t justified. That makes me a little suspicious. Anyway I remain unconvinced there’s a real safety issue.

I don’t have much to add so I’m fine leaving it here for now but there’s certain to be more on this story. The back and forth was useful at least to me and maybe to others.


Apparently there’s some Jordan Peterson editorial going around that found an example of stupid lefty university bureaucracy procedure and is using it to trash the idea of equity.

Maybe Bari Weiss’s new school can pick him up.