2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I wanted to ask because my friends and I were talking about it that the guy had mentioned she would have to pay rent and my buddies both thought there was something wrong with asking her to pay like it was unseemly or something, I didn’t understand that and I assumed with most couples she would be paying half cuz why wouldn’t she?

It’s totally situation dependent, but if they’re in equal financial situation I’d say it should be halfsies on everything.

Also, not a good start if they can’t have a frank discussion about this.

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Tricky situation but a good test for whether they should get married! If I were the guy I would not make her pay anything now but would ask for half upon marriage at which time I’d add her to the title.

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If it was me I’d probably ask for like a substantial discount (25-50%) on market rental rate in the area or 1/2 the mortgage, whatever is lower. This would be in the expectation she would not be accruing any value on the house. Then halfsies after she’s on the deed.

If she wanted a different arrangement I probably wouldn’t mind, as long as she isn’t trying to freeload (and if that’s the case shouldn’t move in with them)

Dating for over a year implies less than two years…seems a bit early to be pushing for marriage.

I would say a reasonable arrangement is to charge her rent, but not more than her previous place and not more than half the monthly mortgage payment, with an agreement to revisit the financials and the state of their relationship in twelve months if they are still together. Also half the utilities and her fair share of food (not half if she eats less than half). As landlord, he’s 100% responsible for maintenance and repair.

Not charging her rent kind of feels like she’s paying for it with sex.

Yea i think all of the replies have been good but as i said in a later post, it was not a situation of it being an issue for them as far as i know although I don’t really know.

It was more so 2 of my friends thought that for sure she shouldn’t be paying and they wouldn’t make her which didn’t seem to make any sense to me so i was curious as to what most people would expect.

Lastly, the guy/gf in question is not actually my friend but our very own heritagenothate. This was relayed to me from a mutual friend that she was pushing for marriage but he wasn’t sure.



This is reminding me of when I was living with my girlfriend, who is now my wife. We needed a new bed and the one we liked was pretty expensive. I said I’d pay for it myself and she freaked out and was like “Is this so you can keep the bed if we break up?” And it totally was. Oh well, we’re still sleeping in it to this day.


We got our mattress shortly after getting married, but I think that still makes our mattress a couple years older than yours.

He should pay for literally everything. If he feels that means he’s paying for sex he is absolutely correct lol.

Went flying with a guy I know from the cigar lounge last Friday in his Columbia 400 plane. He’s a developer of hangars, mini storage, and apartments among other things and his company has about $120MM in assets.

Anyways, we were discussing our upbringing and childhood and he said his dad died when he was like 8, and he grew up really poor. If it wasn’t for the 120 acres that his dad owned outright before he died, the family wouldn’t have made it.

Not sure if he knows what poor is.


For those who have played at Talking Stick in Scottsdale, their old poker room (48 tables) has been closed and poker has relocated to one of those large semi-permanent structures that looks like a big white tent from the outside (~50 tables?).

Rumor is that we’ll be in the tent for ~18 months while they build an even bigger poker room somewhere else and turn the old poker room into a sportsbook. This is all a result of sports betting becoming legal in AZ last year, as well as a transition to real NL holdem instead of the weird spread limit variation they used to play.

Old room in process of being torn down:

New room:

If anybody comes to town and wants to play some 2/3, I’ll buy you a drink.

@anon38180840 a while ago you were talking about maybe moving somewhere and looking for suggestions. I know the weather here is probably a dealbreaker for most people, but I think the poker scene is probably decent or at least comparable to other large cities. I don’t know much about the higher stakes, but I think 1 or 2 5/10 games are going most nights (probably 10/20 on the weekends?), and I’ve heard the 3/5 is wild, filled with plenty of rich Scottsdale LAGs. Plus only a 1-hour flight to Las Vegas, slightly longer to LA.

This is the bravo listing right now (3pm on a Monday):

LOL, 5 people on the list for a 200/400 Mix game. I can’t even imagine.
Oops, missed that there is already a 300/600 Mix game running! Still can’t imagine.


Redacted for privacy.


I played some of my favorite games in tents. Winstar and Hawaiian Gardens were always a blast.




the person who makes the most pays for everything

EVEN if it’s just by $1


Tax returns 4 rollz.

I voted bastard as no way to tell how another couple should do their finances. I have friends all married for 10 years or more that still split every bill and have separate finances, where the man pays everything and the woman spends her salary only on stuff for herself, everything in a shared account and my favourites where the man has a fixed allowance that hasn’t changed for years and the woman controls all the finances. They all seem very comfortable with their arrangements although the last guy is guaranteed to bring up inflation when I see them next time.

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Has @suzzer99 been around? I’m heading to Nicaragua for a surf trip next week and wonder if he has any recommendations for things to do/see? I’m going to be staying near Playa Gigante and don’t think I’ll be that mobile (won’t have my own car).

According to the fantasy football thread, he’s working on his book.