2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread



Socrates (469–399 B.C.) - Collection at Bartleby.com.


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Poor Socrates - destined to be forgotten because hes been left out of the Proquest Historical Newspapers database

Not really sure what’s going on here but this Morrison fellow seems a little Trumpy

This is extraordinary and unprecedented,” the prime minister said at a press conference in Melbourne, calling the alleged appointments “the sort of tin-pot activity that we would ridicule if it was in a non-democratic country”.

“Australians knew during the election campaign that I was running a shadow ministry. What they didn’t know was that Scott Morrison was running a shadow government. A shadow government that was operating in the shadows.”

lol, I am getting my Australian news via this website. It would be too simple to say Morrison was Trumpy but he was like… Pompeo-ish, I’d say.

Ok got a question and gonna do a pole too.

So I have a friend that has been dating a woman for over a year, they are talking about her moving into his house as a precursor to marriage.

Now the question is when she moves in is she expected to pay for half of utilities, half of food, half of rent, half of everything, some other combination?

This is assuming she can pay for anything needed.

Please explain why or why not.

Also a Pole.

  • Half of Food/Half of Utilties
  • Half of Food Only
  • Half of Everything Including Rent/Mortgage
  • Bastard

0 voters

Depends on financial situation imo. She shouldn’t inherit half of a massive mortgage payment for example.


inherit like go on the mortgage or just not inherit having to make bigass payments if his is huge?

This totally depends and is really something the couple should talk about openly and frankly, especially hearing the “precursor to marriage” part. In my experience money is the most difficult thing to talk about, and my wife and my reluctance to have financial conversations was damaging. We’re better now, but I so wish we had started at the stage where your friend is.


yeah if she’s making a lot less than the division shouldn’t be equal on a mortgage payment she didn’t sign up for. If everything’s about the same splitting it down the middle seems fair.

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They’re getting married? His money is her money and her money is his money. It doesn’t matter who pays.

/old person


If they’re not necessarily getting married CN is right and to each according to their needs and from each according to their means.


Do both of them work?

Not sure about the mortgage angle. I mean she’d basically be paying off someone else’s property for them.

Yes this is both working and both have enough pay to comfortably pay their half if you wanted to do that.

Rent is also basically paying off someone else’s property for them


When you pay someone’s mortgage, you don’t get the benefit of owning the property when it’s done. You’re just some sucker who paid off your partner’s mortgage without getting married beforehand. From there, you can get booted if things go shitty and that’s that.

When someone is renting and you move in as a flatmate, you’re both on equal footing paying the rent to the owner.


True, but a rental situation, the renters are clear that they are not gaining any equity in the property. If the guy currently owns his property, I think they should at least have an explicit discussion about what if anything happens if she moves in, pays money towards the mortgage every month and they break up. If they want to agree that that money will basically be treated as rent (i.e. she has no right or expectation of ownership when it comes to the house), I think that’s fine… But you probably want to make that clear now, not when you’re going through a bad breakup.

Eta: and if they want to work out a different arrangement (like she DOES get some equity in the house) they might need to do some formal paperwork b/c a lot of states require property ownership issues to be addressed in writting or at least some way that is more formal than a simple conversation.


I meant precursor as in shes pushing for marriage and guy is not ready so this is a compromise that would likely lead to marriage

If they break up within a year or two, the amount of her rent that actually went to pay down the mortgage principal is minimal.

However, if they get married and remain in the house, they’ll need to figure out if, when and how she is going to be added to the deed.

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Change my vote to them not moving in together at all.