2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Reverse antitrust

don’t even know where to put this


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can someone explain this story to me? To me the airlines are complaining because they don’t want to spend money and this is just a huge story because everyone has a cell phone and has flown before. Is that it?

Apparently my gym is going to be live on Fox Business Friday morning. Tune in to hear the owner brag about how he flouted every covid restriction and nothing happened to him. And probably whine about how he can’t hire anyone for $10/hr when his memberships are up 400%.

Fun night at the gym. Saw a blossoming bromance when one bro laughed at the other bro’s AR-15 shirt with something clever written on it. I couldn’t see the cleverness, but I saw him proudly display the TRUMP branding on the sleeve.

Two other dudes seemed to be having a normal conversation about how everything shuts down from December to about Jan 15th. And then within one sentence the dude was practically screaming about Biden’s lockdowns and destroying the economy. I learned Biden is the most hated president of all time, and even most Democrats hate him now. Because you know - the federal lockdowns, and deliberately sabotaging the economy (which has never been more white hot) because underpants gnomes socialism.

These people live in a completely unhinged alternate reality. It’s the same dynamic by which they were all just sure Obama was going to get wafflecrushed in 2012, because their media bubble had them convinced Obama was universally hailed as the WOAT president. Then their little hearts just shattered to pieces when Obama won in a landslide, causing them to wander the streets in a daze for months.

Have you considered a different gym?


It’s the perfect gym in a ton of ways, and it costs me $360 for two years. I can live with the occasional bro-idiocy.

Obviously time to go in and be coughing during the shoot.


Seems solid. For a nice touch, wear an Ashli Deserved It shirt.

That really should be your standard workout shirt anyway.

Someone in Adelaide decided to do a little public art.

The second is Dan Murphy, a chain of liquor megastores in Australia. The third is a statue of Colonel William Light, who designed the city of Adelaide.


I joined a gym in 1995 with a coworker. Couldn’t tolerate the bros, but saw some hilarious interactions. One guy asked another to spot him on the bench press and immediately started screaming at him for doing it wrong and the guy let go and told him to fuck off. Dude had a hell of a time getting the weight off and we all just stood there and watched him struggle, like no fucking way anyone was going to lift a finger for that asshole. It was in North Seattle near 130th and Aurora and it’s now the place to be if you’re looking for a hooker.

Well, the airlines don’t want to spend money, because capitalism. AT&T and Verizon want to provide full coverage of their new technology, even near airports, because capitalism. The FAA seems inept, probably because capitalism.

This is my favorite part:

“We are frustrated by the FAA’s inability to do what nearly 40 countries have done, which is to safely deploy 5G technology without disrupting aviation services, and we urge it to do so in a timely manner,” an AT&T spokesperson said in a statement, reiterating that the rest of their 5G launch will continue as planned.

Well maybe if you conglomerate corporate dickheads stopped buying politicians and making them cut corporate taxes, cut spending aka funding to federal agencies, deregulate, etc, etc, we’d have some federal agencies that could actually do whatever the fuck it is they need to do to make this work in USA#1, but nahhhhhhhhh just do all that anyway and then whine about it because you’ve apparently turned us into USA#41.

Pretty much every gym is like this.

Only if you take your earbuds out.


I’m flying tonight wish me luck


Man convicted of having a book. I 100% had this book on my computer when I was an edgy teen 2 decades ago. Am I crazy or is 2 years in prison for having a book kind of fucking nuts?

The 22-year-old was convicted of having a copy of The Anarchist Cookbook on a computer hard drive.

The Court of Appeal ruled the original sentence was unlawful and ordered John to serve two years in prison.

He will also spend a further year on extended licence.

Lord Justice Holroyde: “We are satisfied that there must be a sentence of immediate imprisonment.”

From a Peter Coy newsletter this morning:

The snafu over 5G cellular service at U.S. airports is unfortunate and unnecessary. From what I can tell, most of the blame falls on a bureaucratic battle between sister agencies, the Federal Aviation Administration and the Federal Communications Commission. Politics trumped economics.
The F.C.C. auctioned off frequencies for 5G last February, raising $81 billion. The winning bidders spent another $13 billion to compensate existing users of the spectrum that needed to move to other frequencies. The auctioned frequencies were in a portion of the spectrum near — though not adjacent to — frequencies used by radar altimeters of airplanes and helicopters to measure their height above the ground. Those radar altimeters help aircraft land and are especially useful in fog and low clouds.

The problem is that the radar altimeters, also sometimes called radio altimeters, are based on designs from the 1960s or 1970s, when the airwaves were less crowded. They weren’t designed to filter out interference from devices transmitting at neighboring frequencies because the neighbors at the time were whisper-quiet. As a result, radar altimeters “may be more susceptible to blocking than other types of receivers,” the RTCA, a standards organization formerly known as the Radio Technical Committee for Aeronautics, wrote in a webinar presentation in 2020.
So why didn’t the Federal Aviation Administration order the industry to install better equipment to filter out interference? Since 1930, radio engineers have been familiar with filter devices that can silence signals that come from outside a desired frequency band. Now there are digital signal processing chips that do the same thing in a more sophisticated way. The airlines are using neither.
The F.A.A.’s argument is that it couldn’t issue a new standard for radar altimeters without knowing in detail the design of the 5G equipment. A technical working group that was formed in early 2020 to bridge differences between wireless carriers and air transport disbanded in November without agreement. The F.A.A. says that only in the past two weeks have its engineers and the telecom companies’ engineers begun to exchange data, after agreeing on procedures to protect proprietary information.

The F.A.A. also argues that it was excluded from decisions about 5G. In 2020, the F.A.A. administrator, Stephen Dixon, prepared a letter to Pai, then the chair of the F.C.C., expressing concerns about 5G interference, but the letter was not passed along by Adam Candeub, the acting director of the Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration. “What they came forth with was not enough for us to do something,” Candeub recently told Bloomberg News. “They came in at the last minute with a report that left serious questions, and when we asked they told us to pound sand.”

Larry Kudlow, who headed President Donald Trump’s National Economic Council, even bragged about blowing off the F.A.A., saying on his Fox Business show, “We ignored them because the science said don’t worry about it.” He added later, “We actually fought the F.A.A. and we won.”

It appears now that the Trump administration won the battle but not the war. One result of the extended conflict between the F.C.C. and the F.A.A. is that even now, nearly a year after the spectrum for 5G was auctioned off, the F.A.A. is still at the stage of information-gathering as it moves toward eventually issuing new requirements for radar altimeters. It is likely to take five years for all altimeters to be upgraded.


yeah, i think i bought anarchist cookbook on ebay as a txt file for $1 or something in 2002. i don’t even know how i heard about it or why i was interested in it.


I had a printed copy back in 1990. Even back then it was widely known to be a bunch of bullshit that didn’t work.