2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

My point is simply that if you want tolerance and understanding of your own moral transgressions, real or perceived, you should be willing to display it to others. That was not this person’s style. I became aware of it because people I follow who are on the left (definitely Brandi Jensen and I think Ashley Feinberg) were talking about the downfall of “a certain person who has me blocked”.

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Really? This doesn’t describe me at all. I am not above empty dopamine hits, but I am much less impulsive online than in person, especially at the farmers market.

I have no idea, but I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that she did not deliver her message as you wrote above and if she did, the whole thing would have played out differently.

Yeah, I’m sure that’s a real big problem. I can’t imagine the consequences if you go nuts buying too much kale. We may need to have an intervention.

Maybe they don’t think working at Lockheed is a moral transgression.

But, if they do and they are open about it, I don’t see why they should bite their tongue about what they think are other moral transgressions. I think it’s perfectly fine for imperfect people to point out imperfections.

But…yeah, if they are a huge dick about it, that’s not good for sure, and I can see your schadenfraude, though like Surf was getting at, if this is just some rando on twitter I’m sure she’s already had far far far far more negative attention than she deserves for this.

Like, sure, granted. I am a weirdo. Purchases in the Wookie household are pretty regimented. We generally meal plan Friday nights for Saturday shopping for the week, and that has largely been true even before covid made one shopping trip per week more of a thing. But I do occasionally buy things that aren’t on the list, and if that happens, it’s in person. If I buy something online, it’s because I need a specific thing, I search for that thing, I buy it, fin.

Assuming this is the same Ana Mardoll being talked about:

Mardoll prefers “xie/xer professionally and he/him in casual acquaintance”.

Maybe the Lockheed Martin reveal is a threat to reveal that some biographical claims may not be accurate.

I’m mostly the same wrt online shopping. I pretty much don’t go to physical stores. That’s Mme Melkerson’s thing. She’s the worst at farmer’s market’s though (to which I have gone along occasionally). There is no list and no plan. It’s 100% impulse buying based on what looks good. The problem is that sometimes converting that into meals doesn’t work out because there is no real plan. This does rustle my jimmies a bit as I hate wasting food and results in my consuming some very odd salads.

When the market is in full swing, I never go with a plan. I check it out and see what looks really good, and then make the meal plan for the week when I get home from the market. But I’m pretty good at starting to piece the puzzle together in my head at the market, so it seems to work out well.

I once proposed that we just walk around the whole place first and then figure shit out for like 10 min before buying anything. That was received as a waste of time.

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My meal planning mostly consists of copy/pasting what I had the day before yesterday. Except Fridays, which are pancake days.


Fwiw, when I was working in aerospace, Lockheed had a much nicer cafeteria for their employees than we did so I can see placing a high value on a job there. They were some smug jerks though.


I can quit amazon any time I want! Definitely not addicted!

Most of these are office supplies for work but I’ve pretty much stopped going to any stores unless absolutely necessary and get everything from amazon or instacart.

214 in 2021
202 in 2020
70 in 2019
50-70 most years going back to 2007

I live with 3 adult roommates and so much shit shows up to our house from buying online we probably have the carbon footprint of some small countries.

I’d say half the time a package shows up I’ll have absolutely no clue what’s in it and sometimes won’t even bother to open up a bunch of packages for a few days if nothing in there is urgently needed, sometimes accidentally throwing out unopened packages thinking they’re trash because there is so many amazon boxes and wrappers in my room.


I have 16 orders since 2011, but like 7 of those were my daughter sneaking poetry books on my account. It’s not voting Dem that’s going to get me sent to a re-education camp one day, it’s a poor Amazon history.

Oh yeah when the machines take over I assume I’ll be spared as one of the good ones. They’re going to need a human hand to repair those robot machine gun dogs.

Just be happy that you never did this

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Wow. You were a 2p2 VIP.

Btw this is also quite fun:


Quoted tweet:




There’s some of the below to this shadenfraude. The problem is that this person works for a Murder company. That’s the big problem. Their comments on ableism are so trivial by comparison that thinking they are the problem seems like letting them off a huge hook for taking part in murdering people.

Farmers markets are price gouging. My wife spends so much at those stupid things for some berries and jam or some bread! 10$ bucks for a little loaf of bread! She also spent 20 on a hula hoop for my daughter. She at least admitted she got hustled on that.