2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Wtf I’m in the UK and I had to look up what this meant.

I mean I generally avoid newspapers but I frequently check the bbc website. How tf have I not heard anything about this when this news is at least 3 days old.

Eta: ok after looking into this more it seems it’s basically just a rumour, nothing has been confirmed in any way.

Doesn’t seem like the BBC’s wheelhouse.

Yeah the initial stuff I was reading seemed to suggest it was a fact, in which case it most definitely would’ve been their wheelhouse. It was my misinterpretation.

Mail room at our apartment. Recession is over.


Does this just operate on the honor system? No worries about stolen packages.

I’m not in the UK and I also had to look up what it meant.

I was quite disappointed that it wasn’t as solid as what I was hoping for.

Nah. It’s a relatively small apartment. No one steals from each other. Need a code to get in.

Well that’s good.

I’d still be worried about delivery people. Do they have the code too or do they deliver to an office and the office puts it there?

They have a code but there are cameras.

Ahh…cameras. Well, that’s good enough.

That’s about one week worth of stuff for my wife. I’m not even joking.


Same same. Also not joking. Basically the only shopping we do that’s not amazon or 2nd hand seller sites is for groceries. I have no idea the last time I walked into a brick and mortar retail store, that wasn’t to buy food.

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Me too. It’s truly ridiculous

That much stuff…per week?

What? How?

Amazon is pretty addictive. When you click the little button your brain does a little BING BING BING dopamine hit. I think a lot of people are addicted to Amazon purchases in the same way people are addicted to social media. It’s the same dystopian capitalism.

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Those landfills aren’t going to fill themselves.


Amazon may enable materialistic people to accumulate possessions more easily, but those people already had the problem of being addicted to wanting and having thing, often compounded by being more concerned with superficial rather than utilitarian features. I’m not sure if my non-food/grocery purchases for the year will have as much physical volume as the boxes in that picture.

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Yes, but the point is that your Facebooks and Amazons of the world have been ruthlessly optimizing their algorithms to yank the absolute maximum out of everyone they can reach. I don’t care if @Riverman 's wife is naturally “materialistic” or not. Contemporary tech companies are just as bad as drug dealers at preying on people using brain chemistry.

Using Amazon is why Dejoy still has a job.

Inflation is out of control! The government must do something to slow the economy.

Feds raise rates to slow the economy.

The economy slows.

Omg we are in a recession!

I hate everyone. Just sayin’