2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread




Name checks out.

I am.

like, who has a sincere belief this violates? As far as I know even people who have a sincere belief that using contraception is wrong don’t have a sincere belief that holding a box containing a contraceptive and waving it through an array of lasers is also wrong. That’s fucking insane and they’re just being obtuse because they want to play victim.


this, they’re the same picture

It’s kind of like a sincere belief that holding a box containing guns and/or ammo and waving it through an array of lasers is wrong.


the person in this case is not “selling” the condoms or the guns. The cashier never at any point owns the merchandise. I’m supposed to believe that the cashier here is upset enough about these items that they can’t touch a box containing the item but they’re not upset enough with the entity that actually is trafficking in the merchandise to cause any issues? If this is REALLY so objectionable that the employee should be able to veto the transaction, shouldn’t that employee be able to veto ALL such transactions that the employer engages in? Like, why should the veto power only be limited to cases where the employee physically touches the box?

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this goes from “weird but kinda wholesome” to “fuck off and die” in a blink of an eye



Yes, you are supposed to believe that.

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Well I don’t.


I gotta ask, does AOC qualify as one of the “stupid” ones?

so much about this is lol:

  1. Exposed to fentanyl isn’t really a thing the way they use it here
  2. They didn’t find any opiates
  3. The gif lol
  4. Cop shat themselves, coward

Nothing (facts, physician rebuttals) seems to even slightly slow cops’ insistence to spew bad information about fentanyl. I’m glad it sounds like that brave #patriot will be ok after his #neardeath experience seeing fentanyl.


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Pretty sure those exposure to fentanyl claims are a cover for cops being addicted to fentanyl.

No they’re just panic attacks.

Nah, they’re just workshopping new excuses to search vehicles and arrest people. It’s the new “I smelled marijuana.”

I just want one reporter to ask these Hero Cops to explain how they disposed of the fentanyl. I mean, this shit is so toxic that second-hand fent odors sent an officer to the hospital scromitting his guts out, they must have had to send in a hazmat squad in biohazard suits to take care of it, right? Probably had to block traffic for hours. Surely they didn’t just bag that stuff up and toss the drugs in an evidence locker.



@Trolly Your kinda story.

The wildest part of this story is that no one seems to actually know how much was stolen.

Brink’s said it was less than $10 million based on the insurance. A federal law enforcement source and some associated with the International Gem and Jewelry Show world said the total appears to be closer to $100 million