2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread


Yeah I don’t quite understand.

Like, I’m genuinely confused when met with these marriage tropes of “Maaaan if my wife found me emailing with another woman I’d really be in the dog house ha ha ha…” if people actually believe that or if they’re just saying it as part of a long bit.

Like, I’d give my email to the woman, and if my wife saw an email on my inbox from a strange woman, the conversation would probably be:

“Hey Zimmer, who’s this woman I’ve never met in your inbox?”

“Oh, she’s the mom of one of <Zimmer’s son>'s classmates. They’re having a party and wanted to invite him.”

“Cool. When is it and are we invited?”

“Yes it’s in a week and we should bring a beverage of some sort”

“Sounds good.”


It’s this.

You’re in America #1 and have kids and have never heard of Evite? We do indeed appear to live in alternate realities!

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Also, what the hell does this even mean? Printing invitations from Walgreens?

I dunno, I’m continually shocked by the awful relationships people stay in.

You fill out a template and then print invitations (as opposed to buying blank ones and hand writing them from Target)

Sure, but I was asking the people here, who I assume aren’t in horrible relationships (though I could be wrong of course).

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Things that I honestly didn’t know existed include Evites (last one of these I got in 1999) and birthday parties for 3 year olds (have these always been around?).

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You didn’t know birthday parties for kids existed?

Spoke to a former colleague for the first time in 6 years yesterday. He’s a partner at a biglaw firm, head of a practice area. I brought him in to help a client of mine on a small thing, because it’s his specific area of expertise. I figure he was making bank (I’m sure he is making bank), but he went through a nasty divorce, lost half, is paying alimony and sounded financially strained. Lotta reasons to stay in bad relationships, if possible. Like she coulda been dumping $5k a month on booze and gambling and shopping sprees, and just footing the bill would have been a lot cheaper for him. (I didn’t ask why they got divorced, but there’s a 7 and 10 y/o kid.)


Birthday parties are fine for a 12 year old maybe, but 3? What a horrible thought. Have kids even developed eyesight at that age? And what would there be to email about? If you are going to do something like this what is there to plan - just throw the brats in a pile and let them slobber on each other for an hour or so. I’m still very skeptical.

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Piece of advice. Never change the bank payment info for a vendor you or your company uses. Even if you get an authenticated email from their accounts payable person from the correct domain. Chances are they’ve been hacked.

Like have a zoom with the person or meet them personally to have them tell you the new info. I’ve known three people/companies involved in 6 figure payment frauds based on internal hacks.


trollywantacracker should read this masterpiece if he wants to troll around here

God can you imagine finances that look like this:

Gross Income: $1,500,000
Taxes (assume NY/CA): $750,000
Mortgage & Taxes (assume $3M house - not outrageously luxurious in NYC): $250,000
Alimony $250,000
Kids school: $100,000
Kids other: $50,000

You’re left with $100,000 for everything else and you haven’t saved a dime. Yikes.


on a side note, kids love getting the physical birthday card invitation. my daughter was always excited to show them to us.

And maybe you’ve only billed 700 hours until July and have only kept 1 associate busy, so the partners are breathing down your neck about “performance” issues. I don’t think he’s legit strapped, but those jobs add a lot of additional stress beyond the financial. It’s one reason I didn’t try for the brass ring. It looked like fools gold. Plus, you basically gotta “scam” clients to pay for your valuable $900/hr services. (“Sure, we didn’t need to file the $40k motion that the judge denied, foreseeably, in a paragraph, but we’re providing top tier representation.”)


That‘s just a theory.

Three years ago today. I can’t remember if y’all hated me by then or not. :stuck_out_tongue:



Imagine finances where you start with a gross income of less than $100,000