2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

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Don’t know if this has been posted here, but speaking of blowing things up:



Let’s not forget the tenth anniversary of this:



Basically yes. The straw that broke this particular disheveled camel’s back was promoting a gay (and sadly I think this part is important) sex pest to a prominent position after being told he was a sex pest then sending all his little cronies out on national TV to swear he didn’t know the man had a history only 5 mins later to be presented with proof that he did know and say well I forgot lol.

But yeah the main reason is that he’s a corrupt narcissistic bumbling oafish entitled grandiose moron who has been responsible for billions of pounds of corrupt taxpayer giveaways to personal party donors, broke his own COVID rules regularly, and has no hope of any plan other than clinging to power for its own sake for as long as possible.

Of course we (and the Tories who put him in place) all knew all of that about him decades before they nominated and elected him and he’s been doing this and worse his entire tenure as PM so the real reason they are booting him is the same old Tory calculation of ‘he might now do more harm than good to our chances of holding onto power as a minority’. They’ve pulled the US Republican trick of staying in power forever despite being supported by way less than half of the population but it’s been going on sooo long we just think it’s British tradition and take it for granted.


How do societies manage to give the absolute worst people power. This is an astonishing summary of this guy’s lifetime of ridiculous behavior:



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Will there be hot takes?

What if (and hear me out on this) it’s actually the lefts fault that everything is shit?




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I mean I think the idea of “meritocracy” in theory is pretty good even though it’s always implemented in ways that reinforce status quo and biases, but england has been actively working against even the notion of it for over a thousand years, BoJo is exactly what they want. There are 100 more of him lining up behind him.

I’m pretty sure in all cultures “meritocracy” in practice equals “I’m rich because of my merits, fuck off you dirty poors”.


No, that’s the US where wealth gouged from other people is hailed as a measure of merit.

In the UK the merit hologram is based more on birth right entitlement.

I mean what, they can’t scrounge up one single fucking aristocrat who isn’t a sexual predator narcissist racist piece of shit?

Of course not. What planet you on?

These have Thatcher’s children greed modifications to their already fucked DNA. Noblesse oblige is a thing of the past.

Not after they’ve been through the Eton → Oxbridge → Bullingdon Boys pipeline. They’ve had literally a 1000 years of “born to power” inbreeding then they get sent off to vicious and Darwinian boarding schools for their entire formative years where any ounce of empathy they might have had is beaten out of them. Then those who thrive in those hellholes go onto university where they are fawned over and given everything and learn they will suffer zero consequences for any of their actions. It’s the perfect breeding ground for Johnsons.


Even theoretically “meritocracy” as a guiding principle for rewarding people in society is misguided, because the confounding variables (namely, genetic luck and luck of birth/upbringing) render any “accomplishments” largely the byproduct of factors entirely outside the actions of the “successful”.

It may be better than all the other ones, but it’s still horrible.

Meritocracy is fine if people have the wisdom and insight to know when their person success is due to confounding variables. But meritocracy is terrible when a society denies that structural biases and luck exist and make the dimwitted narcissistic spoiled brat son of a racist slum lord, I don’t know, President or something like that.