2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

lol que?

No. I remember it as about the same as every 4th. Could be remembering it wrong, tho.

(don’t how long this will stay on youTube though if not official…)


I also thought the quantity of fireworks this year was down

You all forgot about the fireworks mania of 2020? I know people were posting about it here.


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When black people sell it on the street that’s a crime. When white people sell it in a store its a health care product. Duh.

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Doesn’t seem that inexplicable. People had been cooped up, saving money, and fireworks are a way to spend some money and misbehave a bit without getting covid.

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Yeah fireworks were crazy that summer and not just during July 4.

I don’t know anything about f1 but on armchair expert they had some driver who said each team can be up to 1,000 people! The driver is one of a thousand. That blew my mind.

That sounds reasonable. They design, manufacture, and maintain highly technical vehicles. Worldwide operations and all of the logistics, lawyers, and HR that entails. Financing, sponsorships, public relations. It’s an expensive sport.


But they still have their heads.


Have they checked behind the sofa cushions?

So yeah Mom told me tonight looks like she twisted the dial and looking for like SIL isn’t going to bring dog. Looking more like I didn’t have to do anything drastic to solve the dilemma which I am more than happy for.

I swear I posted about Jack before in the Pets thread but I couldn’t find it

Despite being a rescue dog and losing an eye he has never met a human stranger. He was fine with other dogs in his younger days…but has become a grouch since then…



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at least three dogs were hit by cars in the immediate vicinity of my house last night (which basically never happens) and everyone on the neighborhood facebook group is mad at the drivers and the dog owners for “letting their dogs out” but if you suggest that people shooting off fireworks nonstop yesterday had any connection to this people act like you just took a shit in the middle of the park.


The whole fireworks thing makes zero sense to me. Once you have seen them once you have seen them all you need in your life.

The American thing where everyone sets them off is even more bizarre. Nobody in Canada does that. Just the government.

Add fireworks to the list of useless shit morons love that causes all kinds of Sklansky deaths, scares the shit out of people and animals and serves zero purpose. USA


Joyless scolds ITT


I do not find watching fireworks enjoyable, and never did, but drunkenly blowing shit up in college was super fun.