2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Ford F-150 eco boost is actually a super good work truck as well. I’m guessing that would still outperform the electric f-150.

I would be shocked if a gasoline truck had more torque than electric

But of course it depends on the work for torque to really mean much at all

I was turning right on a red light when I missed the tiny “No Turn on Red” sign hanging on the traffic lights. Curiously, they decided not to put any other “No Turn on Red” signs on the side of the road where they would be easily visible to anyone not familiar with those roads. Totally about road safety and not revenue generation.

wait a F-150 isn’t a “full-size” truck???

As I think I’ve mentioned, an Australian federal election campaign is underway. My party is the Greens; here’s a pretty good tweet from the leader, Adam Bandt.


Marijuana is still totally illegal everywhere in the country except in the ACT, which basically means in the capital of Canberra. Greens policy is legalization, obviously.

Having a look at Bandt’s timeline is a pretty good look at mainstream leftism in Australia. Basically the Bernie wing of politics but aiming to control the balance of power rather than win government outright.

Kind of it’s only a 1/2 ton truck. You can only put 1500lbs in bed of truck and doesn’t have a lot of towing capacity. That’s why it doesn’t make a great work work truck…
F-250 would be considered full size. Can tow significantly more and bed can hold I think 4K lbs and heavy duty even more.

College admissions have gotten truly absurd. By the time these schools get done admitting legacies, athletes and donors, they move on to various other quotas and there isn’t any space left for anyone else, no matter how exceptional they are. I wish there was some way to get through to these kids that get rejected that it really, truly, doesn’t matter in the end.

Kaitlyn Younger has been an academic standout since she started studying algebra in third grade.

She took her first advanced-placement course as a freshman, scored 1550 on her SATs as a junior at McKinney High School near Dallas and will graduate this spring with an unweighted 3.95 grade-point average and as the founder of the school’s accounting club. Along the way she performed in and directed about 30 plays, sang in the school choir, scored top marks on the tests she has so far taken for 11 advanced-placement classes, helped run a summer camp and held down a part-time job.

“She is extraordinary,” said Jeff Cranmore, her guidance counselor at McKinney High School.

Ms. Younger, 18 years old, was cautiously optimistic when she applied to top U.S. colleges last fall. Responses came this month: Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Brown, Cornell, University of Pennsylvania, University of Southern California, University of California, Berkeley, and Northwestern all rejected her.

The fact that it’s legal to have a multi billion dollar endowment while rejecting the vast majority of the people applying to the school is a large problem.

The Ivy’s should be forced to expand the size of the student body drastically.

Yeah the article references the fact that half (!) of white kids at Harvard are affirmative action via legacies, donors or recruited athletes. It’s absurd.

You don’t have to imagine. It was probably more of this:

This is a situation where our brand loyalty is going to play out. We have been really happy with out Audi A4 that we bought years ago so we expect our next purchase will be an electric Audi. But I guess if they have terrible reviews we will reconsider.

Looking forward to seeing Chapo Trap House go off on this.

Maybe Rod will finally come out and admit that he’s gay.

Let’s go further and just ban all private Universities. There’s no reason for any of them to exist.



I feel like the 1550 is the fatal flaw in that resume.

The University of California system has a good program where you go to community college for two years and if you hit some reasonable benchmarks you’re guaranteed the ability to transfer in. Berkeley, UCLA, and UCSD are excluded from the guarantee, but they still give preferential status to community college transfers. This is probably the route we’re going with my kid. What’s crazy is that given their academic track record there are only maybe two UCs they could get into (Merced and Riverside), but if I felt like paying $70K a year they could likely get into a good-sounding private college.

I owe my programming career to $78 worth of classes at SF City College - $13/credit hour. Good teachers too - the same ones who taught at Berkeley extension for 10x as much.

Be thankful the kid hasn’t fallen in love with Michigan, or Pepperdine, or St. Somethinge-er-other Tiny But Still Ridiculously Expensive Boutique School.

Why would a high school need an accounting club? Are there some accounting competitions that I don’t know about? Wonder how many people actually care about that…

I did like 5 seconds of research and found this below. Still don’t know how many people are part of the team and unwilling to do more research. Damn nerds.



The UIL CompSci, Computer Apps, and Accounting teams compete several times a year at various invitational events that usually occur on Saturdays, including practice UIL meets, and programming meets sponsored by Texas colleges and universities. CompSci teams compete in teams of up to 3 students against other local and regional programming teams. Computer Apps uses MS Word, Excel & Access to create reports. Accounting tests over various topics and we practice with online software to learn. See Mrs. Horvath in B107 for information about meeting times.

Does it have a welding plug? The only guys I know who have a generator in their truck are welders.

Are you thinking they’re still out of 2400? They’re back to 1600 iirc