2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

i just read that PRO-CRIME Joe biden pardoned two of those monsters, so they are roaming the streets right now!


My neighborhood had a pack of wild turkeys roaming around last winter, they move in a big group and mostly just waddle through my back yard like they own the place and infuriating my dog.

I have always know wild turkeys to be super skittish. Weird to hear about them being at all aggressive.

I’m not sure why we don’t eat geese for Thanksgiving. Geese are fucking assholes.

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Lol hate Bidden wrong reason.


Oops meant this for LC, sorry


Is Erewhon some elaborate troll or something?

The only good Kevin bird:

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I’ll co-sign geese. Or even chicken. Who likes turkey better than chicken? On the holiday we have to eat the worse bird? Seems messed up.

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Big turkey managed to secure a single day a year. Big goose secured high end market and big chicken owns everything else.


my family hates turkey (bland bird that takes forever to cook properly and I’ve had maybe one good bite of in my entire life) so we do filet mignon and lobster. the only real thing I ever miss is stuffing, but I typically make a crapload for myself at home on friday

I think it is, everyone I know who lives in SoCal talks about it aspirationally but never actually buys anything there

has anyone done a economics research paper on the amazon wishlist and its effect on aggregate deadweight loss? it has to be massive.


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reminder: dog shows are rigged and run by eugenicist nazis


Sir that’s a sheep.


Some very fancy people brought three of those to the dog park one day and my shepherds went fucking nuts over them. The owners were very unhappy and begged us to call our dogs off, so we leashed them up, but how dumb do you have to be to think bringing lambs to a dog park is a good idea?

140lbs of unbridled enthusiasm



A man got 800 gallons of gas for a penny each — and now he’s in trouble, according to authorities in Texas.

Deputies were called to the gas station on Monday, Nov. 21, after a business reported a man was using some type of device “to manipulate the price of fuel.”

A man was detained, and deputies found a remote in his pocket, according to a news release from Harris County Constable Mark Herman.

That remote kept the pump from registering the amount of gas he was taking, authorities said.

In total, authorities said the man stole 800 gallons of gas for $8.

He was arrested and booked into the Harris County Jail on a charge of “unlawful use of criminal instrument or mechanical security device” and other federal charges, according to the release.


Seems like another example of he would have gotten away with it easily if he hadn’t been so fucking greedy. 800 gallons lmao


