2021 College Football Gameday Thread

This is an absurd defense. So fast everywhere.

cool playcall on the 2pt lol. was that supposed to be some sort of designed QB draw?


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27/44 for 293 (6.7) 1/1

There’s a reason they’re throwing it every play and it’s not because pass coverage is Georgia’s strength. The thing I think is bullshit here is Bama clearly gonna roll with the same strat that worked in the first game, whereas Georgia clearly made some kind of adjustment based on film. That’s why playing the same game twice at the end sucks.

College DPI is dumb

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wow holy shit

Holy shit what a catch!

I thought he was talking about UGA

More like Stetson Bennett IV GOAT

I’ve always found it amazing that the human brain can instantly calculate how hard and at what angle a ball needs to be thrown to land in a specific spot dozens of yards away (at a specific time, too) and then the human body can actually do it just like the brain instructs.

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“When going for 2, Alabama tried a run to the outside.”
“Well, did that outside run work for them?”
“No, it didn’t work. Had no chance. Seems like they deluded themselves into thinking it could work, but it wouldn’t. But it might work for us.”


This is not how Brett Favre played.

What’s more amazing to me is that there are 32 dudes who get paid millions of dollars to do this on Sunday afternoons and only ~5 to 10 of them can actually do it.

We were both talking about UGA.

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The GA QB is named Stetson Bennett IV?!??!?!

lolol, if you’re not in a Royal Dynasty get that “the second” and “the fourth” (lol) etc…shit outta there. Probably king of the trailer park.

Fuck off Matt Damon you’re on the Rodgers list

I’d have downed four bottles of Tums by now if I was a Georgia fan.