2021 College Football Gameday Thread


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So glad there are lots of good angles in this, the year 2022.

I don’t see how you can definitively say his foot is out without a new angle


Herbstreit is the fucking worst

Fun fact, got run out of Columbus for cheating on his wife with OSU cheerleaders

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Lol at the Bama player just non-chalanting that.

It’s literally the same play as the bama play

Bama Qb


Georgia qb. Fumble

If it’s a fumble no way you can overturn the recovery

Lol this aged well :sweat_smile:

In that they were both examples of a QB attempting to throw while getting hit, yes they were.

In every other way, they aren’t.

They got it right on the field for once

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God is such a front-runner. Bama player doesn’t even try. Stays in bounds by 1/4".

Rofl rigged

Suck it Georgia

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Georgia = Dems

Cool time for another FG


Georgia imploding, who could have ever seen it coming

A lot of athletes in this game are incredible

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Give the kicker MVP

Yeah both defences seem sick

“See him [commit OPI] there at the top of his route?”