2021 College Football Gameday Thread

Live mas student section shot of boomer assholes was nice

I really feel like people are missing how much better Michigan’s offense got over the course of the year.

We are gonna have to let Cade sling it tonight. We won’t just be able to pave Georgia the way we did Ohio State. But he proved he can make big throws when he needs to against Sparty.

Michigan’s offense leads the country in most plays of 50+ yards and fewest % of negative plays.

This really feels like the type of game where if we can get an explosive play early, we can get Georgia out of their comfort zone and things can snowball on them real quick.

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I don’t expect to win but I do think there is value on +255. The national narrative of vastly inferior players just isn’t true. And Harbaugh is just a way better football coach than Kirby.

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None of this stats talk. I had all kinds of UM fools talking about how much they outgained MSU. Too bad the wins and losses are based on points. Not yards.

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lol how many drinks are you in dan?

is this you?


Welp. Think that’s the final nail.

Guess I’ll join the Michigan bandwagon.

Awful read by the QB I think. That has to be a give.



sacked by his RG twice

Cincinnati were frauds. I’m sorry that goes against the narrative of the lovable plucky underdog, but they played a craptastic schedule. I’m fine with them making the playoff given what happened elsewhere, but Ohio State, Utah, Oregon, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Ok St, Baylor are all favorites against them.

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Do we really need a trophy ceremony for Alabama beating the JV all stars?


Cincy’s conference at least won bowl games

won as many bowl games against the SEC than the SEC has vs everyone so far

Houston beat Auburn, UCF beat Florida

“man Cincy’s schedule was just shit”

if you’re using bowl games with dozens of optouts and covid issues as a serious contests worth serious examination you’re not doing it right. we just saw what happens when a serious game happens between the sec and American. Powerhouses like Tulane lost 61-21 vs Ole Miss

Tulane went 1-7 in the AAC

Fuck COVID, if Michigan wins this game I’m going to Indy

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the point is that they really suck. USCe beat ECU. SEC is a lot better.

GA by 1-9 or 20+
Or bore me to sleep until tomorrow morning
either is acceptable

They weren’t frauds they just don’t have the level of talent that Alabama does, which is true of every other college football program including Michigan and Georgia. Alabama’s talent is at a level that they should never lose a game and it’s pretty embarrassing how bad they’ve played in some games this year given the talent disparity.

I’m laughing that you think a 7-6 SEC team beating a 7-5 AAC team by 3 points in any way proves your point. Middling teams were about the same, Memphis beat Miss State. That’s the point I’m getting at.