2021 College Football Gameday Thread

OSU is at least a somewhat diverse hatred. Michigan is just a bunch of white guys in khakis (whoa it makes sense) on a power trip.

Illinois doesn’t have enough fans to get on this list

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That’s another good point

it’s been awhile since i’ve been to a game but saying michigan fans are a bunch of white guys in khakis is horseshit. white guys? sure. everyone wearing khakis? lol no

sorry it was what i thought was an obvious shot at harbaugh

harbaugh wears lululemon now k? :slight_smile:

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god damnit. i do too. those abc pants are comfy af. FUCK!

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I dunno seems brilliant slamming the door on the way out to The League by getting a rule change that significantly increases the chances his future competitors all die of CTE before seeing the Citrus Bowl.

Has anyone ever actually come across a UCLA football fan?

Outside of the UCLA campus? No.

I lived like 1 mile from the campus for 2 years and never once met a UCLA football fan. Nor did I ever hear a single person discuss UCLA football.

During the Carroll/Bush era - USC was bigger than any NFL team has ever been in LA since I’ve lived here. It was basically like having a pro team. Flags appeared on every other house in my neighborhood.

Everyone had parties for the games. A friend of mine who went to UCLA basically became a USC fan just so he wouldn’t be shunned at parties.

I once admitted to a girl who hosted a lot of the parties that I sort of hated USC, but was still happy for them when USC won. She looked at me like I ran over her dog. I don’t have what you call “social skills”. And the fact that I still remember that and cringe over it 15 years later is why I’m an introvert.


As a Duck fan myself, Oregon should be top of that list if for no other reason than 80% of fans’ profile pics being father and son posing as badasses.

Edit: ok it’s worst behaved fans, not douchiest.

I miss the days of Mike Bellotti having a Ned Flanders moustache and Oregon not being cool.

My mom was one, and is still sympathetic to them, although UDub is her main college football allegiance these days.

That list definitely needs Mississippi State fans and their atrocious cowbells.

LLL makes khakis

Ticket prices for the UM/UGA game are absolutely absurd.

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still looking for confirmation i got mine. went through the alumni tour thing they had.

Back to back :trophy: :trophy:


So after our last two coaches leave for Florida State and Miami and we really really don’t want that to happen again we hire a guy who’s never been a coach somewhere the weather sucks*, has minimal west coast experience and has never been a head coach before…so best case scenario he bolts to the SEC if he has a successful three year tenure.

I don’t doubt this guy is a rising star but it doesn’t make sense to me.