2021 College Football Gameday Thread

Nah, that’s not bizarre.
It starts getting a little weird if you went to college elsewhere.
It approaches bizarre if you specifically went to UT.

I think it’s a combination of being so vocally anti-education and anti public investment into the betterment of the lives of others and then plastering OU logos all over their truck, hat, flying an OU flag, etc. while being so completely antithetical to anything a public university stands for that has left a really bad taste in my mouth.

Yeah that’s quite common.

The thing that throws me is that when I think of people who I know who are the biggest fans of college sports teams (we’re talking superfans caricature level here) they nearly always went to that school. So, when I see someone who approaches that level of fervor but didn’t go to the school, it just seems a bit odd.

Apparently if I grew up in Alabama, it wouldn’t feel odd at all.

Also, college football is fucking stupid and exploitative and I still hate it so whatever

Ime the biggest, most annoying Michigan fans didn’t go there. Ditto Ohio state. MSU fans are far more likely to have gone there.

Yea if you grew up in Alabama I don’t think it’s weird at all, I graduated from Alabama but was already a huge fan growing up and probably would have always been, my 2nd fav team is lsu because my parents went there and I grew up watching lsu games.

Yeah, that’s been my experience with the ND fans I know. They’re all nice, not obnoxious, fans who seem to love their team the appropriate amount. It almost makes me feel bad when ND gets killed the playoffs. But ND getting crushed is never not funny, so I can’t really manufacture any genuine sympathy.

By far the most annoying fans are the ones who change depending on sport. You want to cheer for Duke basketball? Fine, but you also don’t get Alabama football, you get Duke football. Fuck those people.


Greear springs to mind. Did that dude even finish HS?

Think so. All time scumbag back in the day.

I’d hope this something that we could all agree on.

However, I wouldn’t be surprised if we got a “Well my parents went to Alabama, but I went to Duke, so that’s totally fine.”

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When I went to Bama one of my roommates told me he had to decide between Bama and Auburn. I thought that was very strange for someone that grew up in Alabama.

All you young people and your 500 channels. Way back when we got maybe 3 college games total on a Saturday afternoon. And in Cincinnati, Ohio State was always one of them.
And if you didn’t want to be out doing chores, the game on better be a local team a parent recognizes.

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Also to this day. His Twitter is wild.


Merica - where our healthcare bills subsidize stratospheric college football coach salaries.


Can’t afford to pay the actual labor though

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On the plus side, Utah, BYU and Utah State all have successful cfb teams and a way to pay the state employed coaches’ salaries.

Although maintaining a safety net for the poor is the government’s job, welfare in Utah has become so entangled with the state’s dominant religion that the agency in charge of public assistance here counts a percentage of the welfare provided by the LDS Church toward the state’s own welfare spending, according to a memorandum of understanding between the church and the state obtained by ProPublica.

What that means is that over the past decade, the Utah State Legislature has been able to get out of spending at least $75 million on fighting poverty that it otherwise would have had to spend under federal law, a review of budget documents shows.

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Ofc BYU is private. So are their finances, but I assume this deal benefits them too.

OU hired Venables apparently


Wel maybe in Miami. Cfb is extremely profitable for power 5 teams generally.