2021 College Football Gameday Thread

Every year the rankings give no craps about head to head results.

Assuming 2-5 from that AP poll win out with Bama > UGA in SEC title game, what do we think the playoff should be?

Alabama being 4 after losing to a&m who is only ranked because they beat Alabama is dumb. Arkansas beat a&m and got ranked but then lost another game. It’s nonsense.


Thank you for this

I’m guessing
0 loss Cincy
0 loss Big 12 Champ
1 loss Big 10 Champ

With Georgia getting left out. Remove a 0 loss Cincy or 0 loss Big 12 Champ from the pool and Georgia is back in.

Of course they could always just fuck Cincy and leave them out because they can.

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Almost want them to do it because the outcry would be overwhelming. The system sucks and this would be a perfect demonstration.

no it won’t

TCU dropped from 3 to 6 once in the final week after they won 52-3 of course nothing happened
Cincy’s been unbeaten a few times and those might’ve been better than this one


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Damn you’re fast.

I once had an SEC student athlete write “yes, motherfucker” and “no, motherfucker” as answers to yes/no questions on one of my assignments. Also had a starting QB enrolled in my class who never showed. When I reported it as required, we found out that he had mistakenly been attending a different section that one of my colleagues was teaching, so they just switched him over.

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That’s how I’d score it. However, I’m not at all confident it would shake out that way.

Was the other teacher Professor Sean Garrity?


LOL at throwing away a $3 million/year job because you don’t want to get the vaccine.

Only a matter of time before he’s hired at Liberty, right?

I’m gonna need an ELI5 on this. I feel like there is a joke in here that went over my head.

If they leave Cincy out how can they ever put Notre Dame in again though?

LDO because they can :joy:

Titans defense is laughably horrible

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I was teaching a section of a course like MATH 101 - SECTION 01 at a specific location at a specific time. The starting QB for the football team was on my roster. We had to report all no-shows during the first week of class through some online system, so I entered the names on a Friday afternoon. Usually it was just people who dropped or switched sections before the rosters updated and nothing really happened. However, sometimes it was people who would fake enroll in college to grab the student loan money and run. This has been a “thing” at every university where I’ve been employed.

In an unusual twist, I was contacted by some athletic department go-between who was surprised to learn that his student was marked absent, claiming that the student had, in fact, attended all of my classes. I informed the handler that someone must be confused because there was no record of this student ever attending (I had students turn in an actual record of their attendance for my keeping so I could tabulate it easily).

The mystery continued for about another week. After mentioning it to some coworkers, one of them announced that the QB had been coming to his class but that he had not scrutinized it against the actual roster. I mean there’s a bit of an assumption that unenrolled people aren’t just showing up to your class for the fuck of it. So we get in touch with the athletic dept again and verify that the dude was just mistakenly going to the wrong room on the wrong day at the wrong time for two weeks. We were able to officially switch him over to the section he had been attending.