This tweet started me thinking a bunch of things people wrote down in history books is happening all at once
plus a presidential election of Joe Biden vs Donald Trump
plus sideplots with potential that are being monitored as we speak
murder hornets
monkeys trying to kill us escaping with covid from a lab
end of america
clusterfuck things that got relegated to just footnotes
Iowa Democratic Primary
what did I forget about?
(yes, the comparison isn’t perfect, trump’s a combination of the worst qualities of like 5 presidents but you can’t fit all that in a tweet)
That isn’t going to end up making the list (unless things go further). Though I always thought the WW3 talk wasn’t warranted, no major country was gonna step in to defend Iran.
Countries breaking up only make a list like that if it’s because of a war so I don’t see it. It’s arguably not bad–certainly more annoying if you travel or business and whatnot between the two but not seeing it making the list in the end. Maybe a footnote though. tl;dr long way to go, lot of shit is gonna happen. This isn’t a complete list–just a list they definitely are gonna put down.