2020 Senate + House Races

I know a few dudes who consider themselves independent centrist types who hate her/think she’s dumb as a box of rocks/etc. It works great on typical dim-witted misogynist a-holes.


24% is more than enough support to sustain an insurgency.

Just saw an ad on the Clempson game for Linzie. Tim Scott narrating. Sound was down so I couldn’t hear what was being said but it was just slo mo footage of Linzie interacting with people and he was wearing a mask in every scene. Looked like Trump wasn’t referenced at all lol

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It’s a crazy ad trying to humanize Lindsay. Crazy to see an appeal to moderation from Lindsay Graham in today’s world when clearly he’s become anything but since Trump was elected

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Senate Republicans have known for days that the probability of the party losing control of the upper chamber has increased drastically, with even Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) pegging his bid to keep power as “50-50” in a recent radio interview. Some strategists say that between Trump’s fumbled response to the pandemic, which has left at least 224,000 Americans dead, his disastrous first debate performance, and the White House’s rash of coronavirus infections, the battlefield continues to shift in favor of the Democrats — and that Trump has not always been helpful.

Republicans hold a 53-to-47 majority. Democrats need to gain three seats if Biden wins the presidency to claim Senate control.

Initially, Republicans had broken down their map into two tiers. Their front line most vulnerable members are Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Cory Gardner of Colorado, Martha McSally of Arizona and Thom Tillis of North Carolina. Democrats and Republicans recently cut spending in Colorado, considered a likely win for former Democratic governor John Hickenlooper.

The second line, which Republicans used to refer to as their “firewall,” is Sens. Joni Ernst in Iowa, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in Georgia, and Steve Daines in Montana.

But even the GOP’s “firewall” has started to crumble, with Republicans all but sure that they’ll be competing to win runoffs in Georgia in January, for example. Additionally, Republicans suddenly find themselves scrambling to save once safe seats, including top Trump ally Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.), who is being vastly outraised by Democratic opponent Jaime Harrison. Graham is still expected to win, according to South Carolina political observers.

The Republican Party’s donors have rallied in some places to try to save the Senate, fearful of a Democratic Party that controls the House, Senate and White House.

“Donors are increasingly alarmed that we might lose the Senate,” said Dan Eberhart, a donor who has given to an array of candidates over the years.

TIL Trump has a soul?

he’s sold it many times

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Just when I think I am immune to being tilted by Moscow Mitch’s attack ads, I see an ad going EXTREME Amy McGrath will pack the courts with LIBERAL justices. That fucker.

The Storm has failed to come a few times already… They just keep moving the date. On a somewhat related note, Pat Robertson is predicting the end of the world for the third time, he doesn’t seem to have lost any following over the years.


I would LOL but McGrath will incinerate 4x this amount.



McGrath is polling within single digits at least

For the Parks and Rec fans out there, it all reminds me of this from the “end of the world” episode:

Frankly, Leslie, I’m shocked.

All the scholarly work
that I did on these texts

indicated that
the world would end.

Oh, gosh, I’m as disappointed
as you are, Herb.

Yeah, but when the
world did not end,

I went home and began
to reevaluate the texts.

You don’t say.

And I realized that
I’d made some crucial errors.

Well, math is hard.

Yes, well, the actual end of the
world is six months from now.

  • Great!

  • Yeah.

  • May 19th.

  • Okay, let’s see what we’ve got.

Um, oh, on the 19th
we can’t give you the park.

We have a spring spectacular
free ice cream giveaway.

Oh… Oh… look here.

Heh! I misspoke.

Yeah, it’s May 20?

That is free.

  • Ah!
  • Okay.

End of World, May 20th.

That’s great.

Uhm… Oh, and could you

put aside 10 tickets
for that ice cream thing?

Already did.


Why do Republican ads make the Democrats seem so awesome?

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Agreed. Zealots are immune to this. Jehova’s Witnesses have predicted the apocalypse and Jesus’ return for 150 years now and their numbers have only grown.

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gotten a few JWs on text banking. They don’t vote, which makes it odd that they are actually registered to vote. Possibly they are recent converts.

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A lot of atheists ITF are going to have to rethink their views on greater powers if the ACB party at the Rose Garden and the confirmation vote both turn into Republican super spreader events.

Ehhhh, someone needs to die that matters before I reconsider


I still have a 1% hope that Romney, Murk, Collins and senator X have a ratfuck planned and vote no on the motion to proceed. By being deceptive and dragging it out this long, they eliminate the pressure and chaos that would have come if they were upfront about it 3 weeks ago, and leave no time for a regroup/redo.

I know it’s not going to happen. I’m just saying if it does - you heard it here first.

The one thing whitey is best at - waiting until the last possible moment to twist the knife - deceiving the entire way until it happens. It’s our gift to the world.