2020 Senate + House Races

Look what the Rose Garden COVIDPALOOZA did to the election.

Wrong account.


And here I thought it was giving powerful white people every possible benefit of the doubt.

If thereā€™s a god heā€™s slacking hard


Free will, etc, etc. But yeah I personally wouldnā€™t mind if he hammered the karmic come uppance button more often.

Hammering it once would be nice

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Itā€™s true, theyā€™ve been having secret meeting on Grassleyā€™s lawn since mid September. They call themselves The Concerned Four.

The Concerned Pidgins

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Murkowski is voting for Coney Barrett.

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Murk said sheā€™d vote against the motion to proceed with a vote, but for ACB in the actual vote.

Yea but letā€™s have one that matters plz

My house race is dead even according to Siena

Saw a Lincoln Project add targeting Ernst today. I think thatā€™s new. Blood in the water

LOL fuck you Lindsey.


HAHA buying the seat with a bunch of low dollar donations

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Iā€™m increasingly concerned about taking the Senate. Arizona looked like an absolute lock a month ago, now itā€™s very tight. Kelly isnā€™t running ahead of Biden like he was, heā€™s even behind in some polls.

Colorado looks good, Maine should be okay. North Carolina is tight, Iowa is tightā€¦ Thereā€™s a chance we end up narrowly losing a bunch of red state Senate races and lose 51-49, which would be catastrophic.

Some good AZ polling would cheer me up, but also from canvassing Iā€™m meeting Biden/downballot GOP voters and undecideds who are scared of socialism who hate Trump, and thus they are likely to ballot split one way or the other.

Look for final Cook Senate race ratings to be released toward the middle/end of the week.

Jess doesnā€™t seem to buy that AZ senate tightening is as significant as the people in this thread fwiw. I donā€™t think thatā€™s returning to toss up


Iā€™m confused by how Bidenā€™s polling average lead on 538 has dropped from 10.7 to 8.7% and they still have the election as 87/13.