2020 Senate + House Races

we all thought that about trumpism

even if long term that is indeed the case, got fucked over hard in the interim and the courts will still be there. You still have BOTH SIDES media which oh lord if they start letting that shit fly.

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So? That would happen with any R.

most current R’s aren’t willing to go full blown nutter balls

Eh, fuck 'em.

handwaving away things that only 24% agree with is that’s the main point of democracy

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The GOP has been staring down the barrel of America’s massive demographic shift ever since Bobby Jindal’s 2012 autopsy. They could have chosen the George W/Jeb! path of turning the GOP into a more inclusive, Hispanic-friendly party that could compete in the Southewest and the Midwest and Florida and even maybe Cali. That takes a whole lot of leadership to accomplish, but it could be done.

Instead, 2016 gave Republicans this perfect storm of a guy who’s injecting speedball racism right into the Midwest’s dick and Dems who handed them the worst possible opponent and the GOP managed to win doing exactly the opposite of what their autopsy strategists recommended. Just mash the racism button as hard as you can and don’t worry about the future.

Where do we go from here? It’s hard for the GOP leadership to convince anyone that they need to change their ways after pulling off an incredible upset win in 2016. Plus, their news media has constructed an alternate-reality Murdochsphere in which the 2018 Blue Wave never happened and Trump is the Beloved Dear Leader with a 96% approval rate. I don’t know what you do if you’re a GOP insider who’s staring down the barrel of a landslide defeat. The MAGA cult is itching to shoot anyone who disparages Dear Leader. And we’re still just one polling error or massive fuckup away from another Trump victory. I don’t think you can tell these MAGA addicts that they need help until they hit rock bottom, and they’re a looooong way from that right now. Like, there are dozens of Trumpian guys who might run in 2024, how do you tell the base not to support them? I think someone like Tucker Carlson could mount a legit presidential campaign.


Tucker would be the favorite to win the R nomination without a trump on it.

They’ve now figured out that just being on TV a lot means you’re ahead because a lot more people know him than their own senator/congressperson/etc.

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I agree, but would he leave his show for it?

why would he have to do that?


This might break him. Lindsey is a loyalist. He remained steadfast with McCain until his death and was rewarded with a place at his table until that moment. When Lindsey’s first-father passed, he transferred his loyalty to Trump. He’s seemed unshakeable because he’s always had a narcissist to latch on to, but now that he’s been discarded, the man may leak like no one else.

lol touche

Tucker/Greenwald 2024 “Adam Schiff is a real jerk”

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Fair point.

God damnit, that ad is giving me hope. There’s so many progressives getting involved and running now, it actually feels like we may be able to make real change here in the next decade or so

I don’t get the pearl clutching about QAnon becoming main stream. There is no real difference between the GOP of the last 5 years and what Q boils down to: Democrats are the enemy. Everything they both do or supposedly stand for comes down to that. What’s the difference?


I’m fully prepared for the disappointment of a Lindsey Graham re-election.


this. they are just getting dumber and less good at washington stuff. Gimme all the qanons over mcconnell.

The difference is that Q’s binding philosophy is that Ds are all pedophiles that need to be executed.

Oh, and in the past white supremacist terrorist attacks have escalated under D administrations (because terrorists know the gov’t is working against their goals under Ds). So we are fucked regardless of who wins the election.


lol “Obamagate”

Seriously the dumbest shit imaginable and Lou Dobbs dutifully parrots it like an idiot

No, they think they’re gonna win in a red wave and they don’t need Lindsey.