2020 Senate + House Races




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I mean, on the one hand, fuck Lindsey Graham and good in short term that this might hurt himā€¦ on the other, we are drawing live to some really bad shit if everyone but the most absolute batshit insane is driven out of the R party by Trump and the Fox News White Power Hours.



Fox News turning on Linzee is truly shocking. I have no idea what the hell is going on.

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Trump wants him to announce heā€™s investigating a bunch of things in the senate and linzee has balked.

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Man, no one likes Linzee. Heā€™s like slightly more palatable to the Chiefsplanet crowd than Mitt Romney. Iā€™m totally unsurprised that the Trump cult will turn on him.

But he didnā€™t actually do anything yet. Turning on him before the elections is really surprising

A few things about this:

  • Zuckerman ainā€™t winning. Phil Scott is popular here.
  • Phil Scott is also not an idiot. Appointing someone who caucuses with Mitch McConnell would be the end of his career in Vermont. He knows this.
  • If the Bernie seat were vacated, there would be a special election within 6 months by state law. Iā€™m guessing Scott would push for a quick election and leave the seat vacant or fill the seat with an independent who caucused with Democrats.
  • The seat will be filled by a Democrat in that election (my guess is TJ Donovan).

Basically, we donā€™t have to worry about that seat. (Though I get why Zuckerman is pushing Scott on the issue)

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that personality loves to turn two people kissing his ass against each other

Especially when the senate outcome range is pretty wide, 50 seats is very possible. Canā€™t get boned in the senate for 6 months in a new presidency because year 1 is the year you usually get the most shit done versus the entire rest of the term.

If this were the case, there would be ENORMOUS pressure on Scott to appoint an interim Democrat/Independent.

He canā€™t fuck around too much. There is a Democratic supermajority in both chambers, and Vermont governor terms are 2 years.

This is disgusting. For all intents and purposes, the President of the United States and the Republican Party have endorsed QAnon, and 24% of American adults believe it. It is now a mainstream political ideology in America and an accepted viewpoint in American society.

Iā€™m not sure how we reverse that, but Iā€™m shook. This is a thing that is going to be with us for a while.

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Like there will be more qAnon believers in Congress next year than now, more in 2023 than 2021, more in 2025ā€¦ We have to hope they donā€™t gain Tea Party level power, but itā€™s in play.

Iā€™m not sure we can just handwave away something that 24% of Americans believe.

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I really donā€™t get throwing Lindsey under the bus. Like I get that Trump is mad he isnā€™t launching hearings into Obamagate, or Hunter Bidenā€™s laptop or whatever. And I even get that Lou Dobbs will do whatever Trump says. But the GOP is staring down the barrel of a landslide election and they desperately need Linzeeā€™s seat.

Maybe they think itā€™s pressure to get him to announce some investigation pronto, like literally on Monday?


back to the photo, bunch of people said itā€™s not mark, they clearly dgaf.

Thatā€™s a real dirty fucking trick but weā€™re gonna get more of them in any race they think they should do it.

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Asymmetrical warfare. Not good.

Inmates are running the asylum, surely this is a Lou Dobbs specific thing rather than something Rupert Murdoch wants.

I think itā€™s great and extremely beneficial to thr D party long term