2020 Senate + House Races

oh fuck no. We actually go negative with these people…Issa abandoned trump, Issa flip flopped on planned parenthood, etc. And we don’t even have to lie about it!

I have to do a ton of persuasion in my job. The playbook I was taught on taking emotional shortcuts is largely defined by:

If you want someone to avoid change, use fear. Fear drives people instinctively toward stability and rigidity.

If you want someone to embrace change, use anger. Anger provokes people to action.

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I don’t know. The problem here in Georgia is Republicans ALWAYS win runoffs. They just come out to vote more, while Dems chill. In 2017 or whenever it was, Ossoff almost won the jungle primary - got like 48.x% of the vote. Then Handel beat him easily in the runoff.

I do think Warnock would have a good shot, though. Dem passion is pretty high. I don’t like Ossoff’s chances.

I lived on Lake Street in S Mpls, the Walgreens across from my house got burned to the ground. I fistpump-voted for Ilhan Omar and all DFL. I do agree MN has some risk to flip but it’s low imo (<10%), and if it did I’m skeptical it would be because of BLM and the riots. It’s counterintuitive but complex–I’ve talked to rural guys who will vote for Trump but acknowledge racism is a problem and that Trump has handled it poorly. It’s not a winning issue for him.

we have a plan for that…but our data says most Issa voters vote in person…so watch for it at the beginning/middle of next week. It’s exactly what you say.

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lol - Marjorie Green, the Q-anon House candidate who is running unopposed in Georgia, just endorsed Rich McCormick, the Republican running for the GA-7 seat. GA-7 is just to the east of GA-6, which is Lucy McBath’s district. CNN says it’s the most likely district to flip blue.

McCormick is a deplorable, but he’s basically like “oh, fuck” with that endorsement. While the district has been red, it’s really dark purple and is not the place where you really want to be tied to conspiracy theory whack jobs.

EDIT: To illustrate how purple it is, Carolyn Boudreaux, who is the Dem running this year, lost in 2018 140,443 to 140,010.

Lol Georgia.


WOW i thought this was democratic ad lol

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Something my brother literally just said to me which is a relevant take: you can’t reason someone out of a position into which reason did not bring them.

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Some personal news: I am apparently working on a presidential campaign and I didn’t even know it.



I can’t believe I forgot to post this. From a debate on saturday. We try to stick with positive messaging, but sometimes, you just have to fight back.



No this is


Really good stuff there. If you can get a message up to his debate prep/media people he switched back and forth from calling Issa “you” and his community/voters “you” so it could be a little confusing for some. If he polished that up a bit, it would be an even better attack and contrast between Issa and himself.

Also, most importantly… please for the love of human decency beat Issa!!!

insane to me that a clear carpetbagger like issa is even competitive

86% per 538


Looks like AK is actually pretty close. I’m not expecting a win here but it’s a nice longshot and might be a surprise in the case of a blue wave.

He’s got an R by his name :woman_shrugging:

BTW, that whole debate, Issa was acting like Mini Trump and talking over Ammar…except then. We were pissed at the moderators


We’re showing Forest the view from behind the woodshed.


Polling badly missed the # of latino votes in the southwest in 18 for dems, either under R’s in the midwest or over D’s and the model gives way too many points for incumbents. (heitkamp never polled close enough for 1/4) Donnelly was actually ahead in RCP too–that error was a total polling miss. Claire didn’t, 538 was just being stupid over 50.


RW bias pollster but what in the god damn hell happened in AZ. where even R polls had her down 5 and now every poll she’s within that.