2020 Senate + House Races



lol. “i’m getting the Russia band back together.”


How is that real?



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I hope you all are texting “REDNECK” to 87123

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I fucking LOVE how Collins and Loeffler are playing the “I love Donald Trump more than you” game. jfc

I mean, shit, they aren’t even TRYING to pick up any non-base votes.

OMG I had completely forgotten about Carter Page. Like I forgot he exists at all. It feels at this point like he is a controversial figure of a long gone political age.


Someone would have to be deep into the extended fox news universe or a member of this forum to recognize those people.

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I remember Page in particular because he was just so cartoonishly stupid and unqualified and was voluntarily giving interviews on CNN that were basically instructional videos on the Dunning Kruger effect. That he just waltzed away from all that without getting prosecuted was an early sign that the Trump admin was going to keep getting away with stuff.

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You forgot about this guy??

lol so did I, they’re playing the oldies that no one asks for

what the fuck is that hat

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Lol, this ad is amazing.

On one side, we have the guy with all the sketchy Russian interference actors.

On the other, we have the Lady endorsed by a Q believer.

This fucking country…

And they are forced to take shots at each other because they know Warnock is going to get the most votes this round. I checked out Collins’ Facebook page and it’s just attacks on Loeffler and posts saying how much Trump loves him and not her. He also has merch, which is ridiculous.

What I find interesting about the two Georgia Senate races is that the Republicans basically have no ammunition to use against Warnock and Ossoff because the two Dems have no political record. The worst they can say about them is that they are TOO RADICAL FOR GEORGIA.

And yet, they may win both seats (hopefully not!).

They will. It’s Georgia.

Do you think a Biden win in the GE would make the runoff more favorable to Warnock?

They’ll just make shit up. That’s what’s happening in our race. Issa’a latest ad is just Trump spewing bullshit about Ammar for 30 seconds with nothing to back it up…and the derps here just believe it wholeheartedly.

I hope to God you’re not trying to argue with people about the facts. When someone buys into that garbage they are giving you a big flashing red sign that says “I AM NOT INTERESTED IN REASON, GIMME EMOTIONAL APPEALS”. If someone is giving you that signal, your team needs an automatic Plan B script that speaks directly to their emotions.