2020 Senate + House Races

Hmm somehow Warnock is one of the only competitive Senate candidates I hadn’t made a direct donation to. Just fixed that.


How do you avoid getting on 8 million horrible mailing lists?

I don’t really check the email account I use for ActBlue. I do get a lot of texts, but you can just reply STOP if you don’t like getting them.

Doesn’t your name and address go on public lists or something? Do you have to give your real address? Or is that the advantage of Act Blue maybe?

I’m pretty sure the last time I donated in a congress race, I had to give them my real address, which becomes public info. The whole system seemed designed to discourage individual donors.

I also know for a fact Gary Johnson sold my email address to Scott Walker (I used a unique email). Fucking scumbag.

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Your name and zip code goes on a public list. I don’t think your full address is public info.

Campaigns are supposed to report your name, job, employer, and address to the Federal Election Commission. How else do you expect them to check whether people are not donating more than the maximum allowed? Of course, LOL at a system that allows dark money, where you can contribute untracked money to a non-profit that then donates to a campaign.

You can look up who people have donated to. I do it all the time.

And you deserve anything bad that happens to you if you donated to Gary Johnson.


It was a weight-loss bet with Lozen, and also before he went off the deep end. I was proud of him for being the seemingly principled libertarian who didn’t go full Ben Garrison.

Let me save everyone some trouble. Ossoff and Warnock both run super close and maybe even “win,” but stay well below the needed 50% then lose both runoffs 53-47.


Ossoff’s race does not go to a runoff. But yeah he probably loses by a point or two when Fulton Co machines mysteriously go offline for 2 hours on Election Day.


It definitely could go to a runoff. There’s a (L) candidate that will probably get ~1%.

Only the special election (with Warnock) has the 50% threshold. Ossoff’s race is the scheduled Senate election with no such threshold.

ETA: everything I wrote here is wrong!


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My bad. You are right. I had that very very wrong. It’s odd because that race never gets mentioned as having runoff potential.

The most recent Iowa poll looks much better. Just “noise” or real backlash to Ernst’s recent debate performance?

cook moved Iowa Sen to lean D

I guess it’s because greenfield has never trailed in a poll but none of the numbers are enough to push it past tossup status. 18 Iowa Gov race was won by 3 in a race D slightly lead the polls. All of those polls (well the non shit ones) are within 3.

tl;dr it’s tossup not lean and I stand by it damnit

The winner still needs 50% + 1.

Is it fair to say Greenfield is the new Cunningham?



Ilhan Omar logged 4 kills while playing dumb, almost won.

Good material for a gif.

I have no idea what’s happening here or what this is but she is just so damn likeable.