2020 Senate + House Races

Local reporters are getting their invitations to swanky DC parties yanked if they rock the boat.

Don’t get too excited. It’s just Mandy Patinkin calling a few random people.


Obviously one shouldn’t vote for someone just on “likability,” but I like Warnock:



According to polls and news chatter, it sounds like late action breaking for Warnock in GA



The Democrats’ dominance in third-quarter fundraising is virtually unprecedented. It was led by South Carolina’s Jaime Harrison ($57 million), Maine’s Sara Gideon ($39.4 million) and Arizona’s Mark Kelly ($38.7 million), all of whom eclipsed O’Rourke’s record from just two years prior.

But even setting aside those record hauls, every Democratic Senate candidate running in the 15 races considered competitive outraised his or her Republican opponent. Combined, they raised more than $370 million, compared with about $150 million for the GOP candidates: an average of $25 million for the Democratic candidates and $10 million for the Republicans.

The Democrats’ advantage was even wider than former vice president Joe Biden’s edge over President Trump in just-released numbers for September, when Biden pulled in $383 million to Trump’s $248 million.


I am surprised at the 538 forecast for GA-7 (Bourdeaux-D v McCormick-R).

I assumed Bourdeaux would be a clear favorite.

  • GA-7 was the closest House race in the nation in 2018 (Bourdeaux lost by 319 votes)
  • The incumbent retired
  • This race is in the Gwinnett metro area of Atlanta which probably has the most quickly changing demographics and growth
  • The only polling in the race had Bourdeaux +3

May be factoring in GA riggage. Probably the most likely state for Rs to cheat seeing as they got away with it last time.


dammit, I wish they’d share. My 5-person field team trying to cover the largest district in SD county would really appreciate some crumbs…

I think they share but I don’t think they do a good job optimizing the spend. Most of it should be going to the Senate but your House race should be a top priority on that side.

What the hell are they spending all this money on?

I realize it’s an important race, but FFS Maine only has 1.3 million people.

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It is…not. LOL

They SAY it is, but they ain’t coming through.

SDUT is doing a poll that’s supposed to come out the 28th, maybe we’ll get some GOTV money if it’s decent.

markets/other modelers agree with you but they’re only 60/40.

I have a little bit in at a higher price sigh.


Coequal branch of government, folks.

Imagine being proud of how obedient you are. These people are actually dogs.

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Ossoff tied Warnock leading


The LOLffler/Collins numbers have really bounced around the last polls I’ve seem. Will be interesting to see which makes it. Still feels like LOLffler is a much better matchup. Doesn’t excite the MAGA crowd as much but at the same time has likely done a ton to turn off normal people with her blatant corruption and race to outflank Collins on the right.