That flight I took when I was 10 totally ruined me for future air travel. It wasn’t fancy or anything - just coach on TWA - but shit, it was my first time on a plane and I remember my meal included a Reuben and a cinnamon roll and the plane took me to Disney World.
This is a city council seat in LA. Bernie has endorsed the challenger, Nithya Raman , who is running in part on a very progressive housing platform. Beyond bizarre for Hillary to weigh in here
They’ll have a special election to replace Kamala, which will presumably be an easy win for the Dems. Although, as you remember from the Jeff Sessions incident, nothing is certain.
I know everyone loves Lee and Porter, but I doubt Newsom will break up our congressional delegation for a 2-year appointment. He will pick a state-level pol like Becerra, Lorena Gonzalez, or Toni Atkins.