2020 Senate + House Races

Yeah, she gave genuinely the worst answer possible. Even saying you’re not sure, because of the variables but you will work hard to support large/small farmers and make them all profitable is fine! To just look dumb and guess is just stupid. No skills as a thinking person.

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all she had to do was blame China

A lot of big ag in Iowa doesn’t live in Iowa.

This is a good example of why most GOP politicians are complete morons. After absolute psychopaths like Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton, you’re left with very dumb people. If you’re smart and have awful right-wing political views, you’re generally obsessed with money and there are way easier, more lucrative paths to wealth than as an elected official. The stupidity and lack of alternatives is actually a bonus in a GOP candidate because they’re more easily controlled without a second best option.


Honestly that shouldn’t be good enough for a national politician from Iowa. No matter what party you’re from, if you’re a legislator in DC from Iowa the one common mandate is to do what’s good for fucking farmers.

I was honestly shocked she didn’t know the answer to that question. It wasn’t a trick or anything. If I was a Senator from Iowa I’d have several farmers I talked to regularly about how agribusiness was going so that I could keep my eyes open for opportunities to bring home the bacon for them. You’re a senator from a farm state, these are the special interests whose pockets you really should be in.

This is actually a huge problem in DC I suspect. These legislators are just puppets utterly dependent on their aides and lobbyists for what they are going to do. Legislators spending several hours a day fundraising is really really bad for the country.


You’re right that a lot of big ag don’t live in Iowa… but they sure as fuck know what the break even price of beans is.

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Terrible state polls from Trafalgar this week. They any good?

Trump terraformed Maine or something? What is he referring to?

no, but they’re still crowing over 16 because they’re the most R pollster.

Sullivan safe in AK if that last poll drop is even close. This forum is dreaming big.

all these fake states are tilting me. what is Alaska even, why is it not a part of Canada.

we just need to win 2 of Iowa/Maine/NC. enough with the dreams of 54 seats. gimme 50 and the demented guy for now.


Yeah people need to get realistic about the Senate. There is a 30-40% chance the GOP holds.

Yeah I think it’s really hard to predict what will happen with the Senate. My gut is a lot of deplorable-lite types will split ticket and pat themselves on the back for voting against Trump.

It would be amazing if some of these long shot states really come through, but I’ll be happy with just taking control.

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Dems will get the minimum number of seats to pass meaningful legislation minus one.


Nice touch with the pic of her eating PIZZA

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You can find video of him crying without much effort. He sobs uncontrollably over too much mustard on his Reuben.

Dick Vermeil thinks this guy is too sensitive.


This post made me sob uncontrollably remembering that the first time I had a Reuben was on a TWA flight to Disney World when I was 10 and in turn remembering when I could fly on a plane while only worrying about crashing and when they served Reubens in coach.


This post made me sob uncontrollably remembering the time I saw a lady pass out TWICE in line for a restaurant at the casino and halfway through our meal we look up and see her at a table eating a Reuben


When I was a kid they served actual hot meals in coach pretty regularly, and not just on cross country flights. Flying sucks.

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When I was a kid the plane was filled with smoke. But you did get meals.

I flew on an L1011 that had a lounge with tables. I know we weren’t flying first class so I think it was available to everyone.

Here’s one but I know the one I was on wasn’t as fancy:

This looks about right (from the memories of a 4-year-old).