2020 Senate + House Races

Twitter is dunking on Joni pretty hard this morning.


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Yeah, I donā€™t completely get it since Iā€™m not originally from here but apparently this is a big deal. Even not understanding, itā€™s obvious Greenfieldā€™s answer is so much better. But turns out not knowing about corn and soybeans in Iowa is a crushing blow.

Probably more meaningful given Greenfieldā€™s entire campaign has been centered around the idea that Ernst doesnā€™t actually give a shit about the average Iowan.

Hahahahahahahahaha fuck you Susan Collins



This probably helps her reelection chances though.

To give a more serious answer, itā€™s like Cruz not knowing the price of a barrel of crude (West Texas Intermediate, of course), but more serious because Texas has a more diversified economy than Iowa.


Watch TX senate be closer than SC and everyone will be upset that Harrison got like 1000000000x the money Hegar got.

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I liked this recent article that gives substantive comments on why younger dont vote, even when they want to.

Yeah but its just funny watching every single Trump supporter get thrown under the bus. Every. Single. One. Its just amusing that they are so stupid that the genuinely think, against all reason, that it wonā€™t happen to them.

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Starting to feel pretty good about Gross winning the senate seat here in Alaska. His campaign team has absolutely nailed the tv/radio/internet commercials while his opponents media is just him defending himself from Gross attacking his record and statements. They havenā€™t found anything to attack Gross on that sticks.


They should try his last name.


Weā€™ll be pretty rustled if it looks like Beto wouldā€™ve won this go around.

Hard to get a strong candidate to run if they donā€™t think they can win though.

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I guess I have to be grateful to Trump this morning. Weā€™ve been struggling to recruit new volunteers but today people are fired up wanting to make calls and canvass. Thanks Trump!



Is there any rumor of Beto running for Governor in 2022? Otherwise, him sitting this one out makes zero sense.

It makes a lot of sense when you realize Beto is a piece of shit.

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well if he wanted the senate seat he wouldnā€™t have gone full LEROY JENKINS in the presidential primary taking away guns moment.

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Donated to Peters two days ago, and Get Mitch or Die Trying was giving 100% of their new donations to Peters.


eh, heā€™s done a lot of work to try to turn texas blue

Yea this was the correct response from Greenfield. Most farmerā€™s couldnā€™t even tell you their breakeven price. Itā€™s such a moving target with many variables. Really those are stupid questions. But it did get Ernst, a senator from Iowa, to show that she knows nothing about ag because $5.50 is nowhere in the ballpark no matter how you understand or misunderstand the question.