2020 Senate + House Races

They got my votes exactly. My biggest question mark was 25, but the more I’ve read about it the worse I think it is

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Loeffler seems like the dream matchup in a runoff in GA. Collins I think would do better.

The problem with the proposition is that the companies are making it a scare tactic. They cant pull out of their largest market even if the measure fails. So no, Uber and Lyft wont cease to exist in CA if this doesnt pass.

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I do think that Collins is truly more popular with the GOP base. Loeffler has done a good job of spreading enough fear and confusion surrounding the runoff to convince people that they need to ‘unite behind’ one candidate.

A Congress made up of some relatively bright 13-year-olds would be such a massive improvement it’s almost unfathomable.


tinybaby is a great follow if you’re interested in both the tech industry and politics


Hi, I’m a country gal just like you. Also, the richest Senator by a mile and live in an area literally called Tuxedo Park.

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Was that her playing “Working for the Weekend” while rolling up, or was that somebody at the campground?


got to get that all important Qanon vote

I’d have figured the other way around Loeffler outside of a ton of money IS the base.

This is straight up fucking insane.



It’s been so absurd watching the definition of a coastal elite cosplaying as some kind of down home Georgia girl.

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so what’s the commentary on the SC poll? Graham +6 and 4% to a libertarian that already announced his support of Graham sounds like we got our hopes up for no reason in SC.

been trying to tell everyone this for weeks

Yeah its not looking good. This has to be pretty close to Harrison’s peak and he’s still only close in internal D polls.

BTW Kelly Loeffler was a failure at everything she ever did until marrying the owner of the company where she was working. Oh yeah, shes from fucking Illinois.

Imagine having more money than you could ever know what to do with, and you decide to cosplay as a GA redneck so you can crush poor people.


Honestly the NY Times poll scares people but there are a lot of reasons for hope in this and Nate was saying he was finding polling SC super challenging.

Bill Bledsoe got four points and he has dropped out of the race. 2%said they weren’t planning on voting for a senate candidate (meaning defecting from Graham). That this is an outlier and NYT seems to have a funky metric this season… I’m not giving up hope tbh.