2020 Senate + House Races

in the crosstabs, only 78% in that poll of black people answered Harrison.

He should be safe beating that number.

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He should be able to hit 90% among black voters, that should be worth an extra ~3 points.

Yeah but those 4% bledsoe are all going to Graham. It’s basically +10

Is he going to be off the ballot?

Lindsey may have done us a solid


No. He’s on the ballot. I have one and he’s on it.

My household counts for 2 voting for Jaime!




Ernst is someone I never considered losing who I now think will lose, and that KINDA makes up for Graham winning (it’ll be fun to watch him whine in the minority.)

$10 for soybeans sounds right to me without looking it up come on joni

tbf, it’s not right that she should have to answer these gotcha questions based on things that matter in her state


Guessing when you don’t know is mega-stupid. It’s Iowa, just go on the boilerplate rant about China or something. What an idiot.

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looks like the moderator and Joni got twisted, she thought corn. Maybe he asked corn first before we see the clip.

Well the clip starts with “I don’t believe you answered my question” so she probably tried something.

$5.50 is hilariously wrong for either corn or soybeans.


i don’t know either answer but it sounds like she’s clueless either way and trying to fake it with that fake-ass smile

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lol I thought she said 4.25 for some reason. That’s at least reasonably close to corn, lol @ 5.50

I already knew ernst wasn’t liked that much but can she piss off enough people in Iowa to actually lose? well she tried her best if she still wins anyway

Depending on several variables, corn is probably somewhere in the mid $3s and soybeans somewhere around the high $8s.

It also depends on whether you are including massive government subsidies in these calculations.

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I imagine Corn was less than soybeans but I could be wrong.
