2020 Senate + House Races

Your son looks like he’s doing the Jeb meme.


Not only is the kid doing the Jeb meme he’s taking a knee while sticking his leg out for Jamie fucking Harrison.

Kids going places :point_up_2:


couple of H2H polls between Warnock and Loefller and Warnock and Collins had him ahead by a decent margin, despite none of the 3 way polls having him > than the 2 Rs combined

I talked to my friend today and apparently the sense is that the Collins folk and Loeffler folk aren’t 1:1 transferable to the other.

First I heard of it!

I realize there’s some beef between the collins/loeffler camps but they’re going to fall in line in the end right?

LOLLLLFLEUR is a god awful candidate and an even worse person. She is a dream opponent. But I’m terrified of a runoff. Aside from turnout issues, the riggage will be off the charts. Imagine if its for a 50th or 51st seat.

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AL chances being better than AK and almost the same as SC is just model not properly modeling 2020. best not to look at it anymore i think

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If GA special R candidate was +100 that would be the free-est money of this election.

Is there any reason other than voter suppression to replace runoffs with ranked-choice voting?

people are dumb. that’s apparently california’s excuse

Fucking California. Once again I have to decide a bunch of prop issues that I’d really rather just let Ted Lieu vote on for me. I even looked to see if had a sheet somewhere saying his position on each. Couldn’t find one.

I did find this though that I’m just going to vote straight ticket on unless someone gives me a good reason to vote otherwise:


That’s fine, or you could look at this A look at California’s November ballot propositions or this Reddit - Dive into anything (somewhat libertarian but explains votes and some comments offer counter-arguments) or Pete Rates the Propositions (unreviewed).

I feel like I flailed on some of my proposition votes as there’s often too little information to make intelligent choices or asses consequences. I’d be worried that my vote will accidentally destroy the state, but Donald Fucking Trump has been President for 4 years.

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The Uber/Lyft thing is a slam dunk right? Fuck em. Also a win here could have wide ramifications in CA beyond just Uber and Postmates. And it takes a fucking 7/8ths majority to ever undo. FUUUUUUUCK THAT

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That’s pretty much how I felt (and voted), but the reddit post made some good arguments in favor of letting them exploit workers (you’d have to read his analysis) and, I think, comes down like 50/50. He noted that they employ plenty of unemployable and permit the unmobile to go to things like Dr appointments. Then again, they probably make many of their workers worse off and with debt and there’s probably some workable compromise that splits the difference between employee and independent contractor, but I’m not sure what it is. They’ve already pretty much killed taxies. I think I’d need to 2+ hours of research to have a genuinely informed opinion.

He’s scared


I do like how republicans tend to play things like Kavanaugh and Barrett. They first figure out what they want and then they consistently say it’s popular with voters (see, eg, 2018 tax law) regardless of the facts. They may lose some troops along the way, but they implement their agenda with limited bedwetting, though I suspect Lindsay is now wondering if he may have taken a wrong turn somewhere, as he was not planning to be one of the troops who is felled.

That’s easy to do when they all want the same thing.

Here’s a fantasy Biden talking point:

“Voters have consistently declared that they want a Supreme Court with 15 members limited to 18 year terms* and any democrats who cannot see this don’t deserve to stay in office.”

*This would likely be unconstitutional but it may be constitutional if they were rotated to appellate or district courts after 18 years. Bring it before the 9th circuit and argue that their decision cannot be appealed to the SCt because all justices would have to recuse themselves as the issue personally affects them.