2020 Senate + House Races

but why should they move left now? they won big in 2016, lost some house seats in 2018 but defended the senate, and now we’re sweating the presidential election in 2020 in the midst of the worst health and economic crisis in recent memory. let’s see what they do if dems win big this year.

They’re going to have to lose Texas before the RNC decides to get serious about reform, and a huge chunk of the party will resist it.

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That’s more or less what the Democrats did after Mondale. I think the GOP already fucked that up like most of the other people here.

the way senate elections work really fucks with people’s brains. The GOP got massacred in the senate elections in 2018. They picked up seats and made it look like they “defended” because only 1/3 of the seats were on the ballot and they just happened to get very nearly the best possible draw.

Republicans lost TWO THIRDS of the 2018 senate races. 22 out of 33. I mean I seriously hope they just look at the net effect of two pickups and think “yeah we should do more of that” but if you’re impartially looking at it and your takeaway is “why should they move left” then you’re a fish.

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Rs can’t shift left even if they want to, their voters are going to mash the racism/fascism button in their primaries whether they like it or not.

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They might support socialism for people who qualify by virtue of being Real Americans.

Adapting their positions on taxation and social welfare would be completely unacceptable to their donor class. Until we divorce wealth from absurdly enhanced political power, we will always have a party that refuses to adapt on these issues.

The rest is just trying to cobble together a coalition of various single issue voters that won’t care/notice they’re voting against their own economic interest.

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The donor class seems generally fine with the current Democratic platform.


Literally all the Republicans have to do is come out like “we’re the party of racism AND universal healthcare” and they’ll be in power for the rest of our lives. They don’t even have to give universal healthcare, it can just be healthcare for white people. Then continue to suppress the vote and have the ridiculously conservative judicial system block any progress, yada yada yada, and we’re cooked.

None of this shit is new with Trump, it’s just more open and blatant. Bush should have been the end of conservatism in this country. Before him, Reagan should have been the end of conservatism in this country. Before him, Nixon should have been the…

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For racist chuds, Donald Trump was like injecting black tar heroin into their penises. They’re not going to ever want to go back to boring normal politicians like Romney.


I agree. It’s dumb. He doesn’t even get 50% if you add up all the Dem percentages.

Part of it. The GOP still seems to get plenty of
(most of the) billionaire/millionaire support.

I imagine it has to do with Loeffler and Collins both being weak, unpopular candidates for the Rs. If it’s Loeffler she’s not gonna get the full MAGA nation out in the runoff and if it’s Collins he’s gonna lose some of the Romney style Rs. Whether that’s enough to get Warnock over the top, I dunno, but I’m guessing that’s the reasoning.

I assume the jungle primary is November 3rd and the runoff is some date after?

Will the maga crowd be willing to turnout for the runoff if they get shamed back into their hole on November 3rd?

This might be the ultimate image that I see posted by both sides - the left thinking it trashes the electoral college, the right thinking it supports the electoral college.

Also it’s stupid. PA is not 1/30th of CA.

I’ve never seen that image because I’m not on Facebook.


Yes. We know. :stuck_out_tongue:

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i think “good” models give warnock runoff equity if loeffler loses to collins. i don’t know if it will come true or not, but say D take the senate on nov 3rd and trpm loses. what do you think that does to runoff excitement on jan 6th?

with runoffs usually decided by ~10% of general voters, and this 2021 might bring out much more than that, keeping turnout high will be pretty key. riggage is still possibly ofc, but i think dems stay pretty motivated if ossoff is somewhere around the same margin as stacey abrams.

FWIW, the GA-06 runoff in 2017 had about 82% the turnout of the 2018 election in that district. I don’t know if this is a large % of the electorate for a runoff or not.