2020 Senate + House Races

If she votes against it could save her seat. I’d expect her to net out a few points off it.



My predictions:

AK to Lean R
NC to Lean D
IA to Lean D

Just shipped some money to Peters. Hope he gets deluged with cash after that shaky poll.


I have no insider knowledge this time so just guessing but:
AK to to Lean R
NC to Lean D
ME to Lean D

Iowa is polling too closely to move to lean status. It’s QQ vs AKs

Also possible that Kentucky moves back to solid R.

My predictions:

AZ to likely D
CO to likely D
AK to lean R

Me too. I had no idea what he looked like, so lol at that picture of him with a motorcycle helmet on his campaign page.

it won’t do it. she voted for kavanaugh and “learned his lesson” about trump, that’s probably enough. but on top of that, there is just no such thing as political cover from mitch mcconnell anymore. he broke two branches of government now while enabling third to go full-on authoritarian.

besides there are few undecideds anymore. like who is going to wait until confirmation vote right now? there now not just operatives, but also leadership, openly doing what amounts to panically rigging elections in a pandemic and stoking religious and racial hatred for votes. even susan collins knows her party is dead. they don’t need her to ram a justice with only days to spare to throw out black voters in north carolina and georgia.

really the best she can do for the country right now is lose. noone cares how she votes.

He just went public with an abortion story with his first wife. I assume they polled extensively before releasing; it is a sympathetic set of facts. He honestly seems like a pretty normal moderate midwestern type.

I think you’re giving the average undecided/independent voter in Maine perhaps a little too much credit for following everything so closely.

gideon is funded well-enough to buy as many ads as needed. we used to complain that the other side was better funded. wattba.


Apparently McConnell and McGrath are having a debate tonight. I’m seeing lots of good tweets about her performance. I missed most of it, so I’ll have to wait to judge for myself.


There is something wrong with this guy. I’m sure he’ll get lots of backlash for not “taking it like a man”.


Good lord that face. What the fuck is wrong with him? That’s like a bad CBS sitcom parody of the sociopathic villain.



I think thats Mitch trying to look smug.

McGrath is so unlikable

Mitch laughing over her like a ghoul is making me like her more, tbh

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