2020 Senate + House Races

Yeah if the party had any consistency between its words and the policies it actually pursues this would have been the move they made a couple of months ago.

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Get Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Bernie, AOC, whoever else out there saying we want to give the average family of four $20k to help you during these hard times that we’re going through. $5k per person regardless of the size of your household. The GOP won’t because they want to give the money to billionaires instead. If the GOP won’t agree to this now, we will pass this bill on Inauguration Day if you elect Biden, a Dem Senate and a Dem House.

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This is what a competent political party would do I agree, but they don’t want to do it so they won’t offer this.

To be fair there really is a problem brewing in the state budgets. Some of the states have long standing pension problems that are causing the issue, but I think it’s more than fair to look at the balance of incoming/outgoing payments to the federal government those states have maintained over the last couple of decades to determine what level of federal support they should be getting. KY shouldn’t get shit.

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who did they bet on in 2016?

I didn’t ask. Good question.

60’s a bit ridiculous but I guess MS is a single digit race so not impossible.

I looked back at 2018 polling, it thought MO/NV/IN were all gonna be close and none of them were. The southwest was a huge miss in polling in favor of dems, the mid south was the huge miss for r’s in polls.

So if that trend continued, TX is well in play but I guess it’s not since Hegar is running well behind Biden (sigh, just think if Leroy Jenkins hadn’t gone full Leroy Jenkins and ran, Cornyn isn’t as liked in TX as cruz is and he lost by 2), I think Biden actually carries GA at this point though the senate maybe not, Ossoff isn’t gonna get more votes than Biden but looking around elsewhere Tester actually led polling but Bullock isn’t. AK and KS still look just short for dems to me but we’ll see I suppose. SC odds wise at the moment I think R is the better bet. sigh

and this assumes AL is a hold which no poll has stated is remotely possible so far outside of one way back in june.

This is a solid result given current polling and it’s still only 51

Taking current polling, the 60th dem senator would be McGrath. Welp. (actually she might be 59 but the shock name is what’s needed for context here)


My district, NY 24, has the D challenger as a slight favorite. Very exciting.

I don’t know if there will be any polling to measure it, but I’d be interested to know what voters think of this. Blame Harrison for ducking a debate or blame Graham for being needlessly reckless?

My hunch is undecideds will blame Graham, but not sure.


now that everyone has endorsed warnock, lieberman is polling at 3% in multiple polls

sad, he would’ve been a great HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHA sorry your dad still sucks and everyone (including all those dem establishment people you don’t think you have some common ground with) hates your dad but that’s politics, now go away.

Nope I didn’t even realize the shape of my district until I searched for polls. Lol gerrymandering

Not great !



Obviously taken out of context (I hope), but if you word a sentence that poorly you don’t deserve to hold public office. Republicans would have that running on a loop on every channel if a Dem said it, so I’m all for blasting it for 3 weeks straight.

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Ah, so that’s why Tim Scott is a Republican, it’s for that freedom of movement perk.




I don’t know how the Twitter algorithms order the replies I see, but I scrolled through the top 20 or so and all but one were attacking him. The outlier was a “reelect Trump and Republicans in the name of jesus our lord and savior” nonsense.

I so want to be hopeful that this is the end of the line for Mr. Lindsey Olin Graham.

MS is closer than you would expect but it’s still a lock. Hyde-Smith is pretty much the weakest possibly R candidate, which isn’t surprising since she was appointed and didn’t emerge from a primary. Epsy is about the strongest possible D candidate in Mississippi, with solid D credentials but also centrist enough to have some crossover appeal. But it’s not enough, even in a landslide year.

South Carolina turning blue baby
