2020 Senate + House Races



We just had a journalist try to spy on one of our phone bank sessions. Fortunately our field director is paranoid.

Was he a really small male with blaCk hair whO looks like he’s aBout 15?

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nope. lol

Older guy, looked him up and he’s a freelancer with previous TV station experience.

When did the full sex SCANDAL break again? Regardless, randysplooge.jpg.


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It’s still the rage today. Alex Jones talks constantly about how he was being recruited by the witches and satanists when he was in his teens before he came to jesus


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I was thinking about the Georgia special election for Senate. There are 21 candidates in this jungle primary, listing in alphabetical order. Makes sense, seems fair. But that means Raphael Warnock is at the bottom. Now, most people will fill out their ballot with specific candidates in mind, but it still feels like being stuck at the bottom (and even being an other screen on the in-person voting machines) would be a disadvantage.

Would randomizing the order make sense, or is it too much of a pain in the ass for something that wouldn’t matter? I suppose randomizing paper ballots would pretty much be impossible, but on a computer, it could be done.

Bottom is generally the 2nd best spot on the ballot. Around here in crowded fields, candidates sometimes file nominating papers at the last second because ballot order is the order you file.

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Interesting :thinking:

R internal

D 45% R 42%


(yes this means a lot of people are voting R but won’t admit it to anyone but still)




well usually in your own internal if you’re losing at this point you’re probably boned but reported undecideds in say traditional red states I figure are more likely to vote R in the end. Happened in 18 anyway.

Regardless, this is way way closer for D’s than I expected for KS.

Yeah, pretty crazy. FiveThirtyEight gives Bollier a 23% chance.


there is a poll in that tweet, alaska winning

The Alaska PI market is where the real degens hang out. Joe pays out almost 4:1.

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Hahahaha god the GOP is full of morons


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Just saw a Jamie Harrison ad.

In New Jersey!!! If he is putting in ad buys nationwide…I mean…wow.