2020 Senate + House Races


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Lamb moving the wrong direction in PA is a little concerning. Also, itā€™s ridiculous that with 2 year congressional terms 25% of that time is spent campaigning and probably another 25% is spent schmoozing donors.

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Ossoff must be an atrocious candidate. Heā€™s polling well behind Biden in GA and it seems borderline hopeless for him.

I was hangin with Jon Ossoff this weekend at a rally. I supported one of his opponents in the primary. Heā€™s a super middle-of-the-road candidate.

I donā€™t know if itā€™s accurate to say heā€™s ā€˜polling well behindā€™. If we use the 538 projections, Biden is -2.2 and Ossoff -4.1. Bottom line, Biden will need to win GA by at least 2 pts for Ossoff to win.

Ossoff is just totally vanilla. He seems like a good dude and Iā€™m sure heā€™d be a perfectly fine Senator, but heā€™s so boring. I donā€™t personally care if heā€™s boring, but itā€™s not a good way to get votersā€™ attention.

Hi, Iā€™m a thin, young, white dude with my skinny suits, here to talk all calm and earnest to you. Vote for me.

Itā€™s like running candidates who lost winnable house races for the senate is a bad idea.


What is it with Democrats and re-trying failed candidacies?

Jon Ossoff, Amy McGrath, Martha Coakley.

These people paid their dues and itā€™s their turn. Obviously.

The whole idea of a ā€˜career trackā€™ is poisonous and antithetical to meritocracy. Everyone should get the job they deserve now, not later. They shouldnā€™t have to waste their time doing menial crap for people they are better than. Iā€™m not advocating for pushing all the old professionals out on an iceberg and watching them sink beneath the horizonā€¦ but there are an awful lot of old white people holding all the plum jobs down, and behind them there are more of the same who have waited their turn politely for decades for their turn at the trough.

This need to keep our insane promises to these people is a big part of whatā€™s stopping us from righting the ship on income inequality and climate change. Very hard to do anything about those things without breaking some promises. Think about how many promises to powerful people would be broken to do universal healthcare. Think about all the people 25 years into their career in healthcare admin. Those promises are the stuff political power is made of.

We act like the box checking way we qualify people for opportunities in this country is about meritocracy. Itā€™s actually the complete opposite. Itā€™s real purpose is to lock the majority of people out of competing with the chosen few for the really good opportunities. Either youā€™re great at checking boxes which makes you good for the propaganda or youā€™re fucking rich and your parents bought your seat. Any time a minority shows up who is good at checking boxes make sure you take a lot of pictures with them.

The US does not do well on social mobility. The system isnā€™t designed to create social mobility itā€™s designed to minimize social mobility while siphoning off any really brilliant talent to prevent the lower classes from having real leaders.


I donā€™t know, I guess it had been too long since Kentucky Democrats had done something similarā€¦

Oh wait, do you want to know how Kentucky ended up electing Matt Bevin for governor, by running the guy who lost to Rand Paul

This is good news, but it looks like itā€™s an internal poll that theyā€™ve elected to publicize, which means itā€™s at the very high end of their own distribution.

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I guess Democrats arenā€™t alone in the ā€œrunning failed candidatesā€ game.

Linda McMahon lost two consecutive senate races in Connecticut.

Martha McSally might do even better, potentially flipping both seats from red to blue in the span of two years.


That is a fucking superbly entertaining piece of advertising.

Had to screenshot this because it wouldnā€™t show this way if I embedded the tweet here. This is on a phone and itā€™s kind of hilarious

Canā€™t spell socialist without Cialis!


Joe Biden.

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Iā€™m going to risk turning this thread into the next leftist vs liberal war, but this is a huge part of the challenge in getting change. Landlords suck? Okay, Iā€™m open to being convinced we can find an agreeable way to reform that portion of the economy, but good luck telling that to the 60 year old who was stuck renting for years, has owned for 15-20 and is finally in a position to buy a second property to rent out and make up for the 20 years of renting.

Meritocracy? I love it, but I donā€™t know how to convince the 45 year old who was stuck behind people he or she could run circles around for 10 years whoā€™s finally in line to get theirs, but who is not as good as the 30 year old stuck behind them.

Of course to bring it full circle, these arenā€™t free markets.


Another great point. Barack Obama is a great example. World class elite political talent. The establishment grabs him up, and heā€™s used as the evidence that ā€œSee??? We have equality!ā€ while also being put into a position of power and mostly doing nothing.

AOC is uniquely positioned for a number of reasons, though.



SoCIALISm: Getting the blood pumping again in theā€¦ economy!


When this doesnā€™t matter weā€™ll all be JagsFan.gif.

This makes me want to throw a few more bucks to McGrath but I know sheā€™s basically drawing dead regardless.

In Ossoffā€™s defense he easily won in a competitive primary that had other good candidates. The people wanted Jon Ossoff. John Lewisā€™s endorsement helpedā€¦


By the way this is reason #750 why Iā€™ll be text banking for Dems and giving to Dems. All my closest friends who have kids have daughters, and we canā€™t let them grow up with this kind of bullshit leadership. Itā€™s personal for them so itā€™s personal for me too.