2020 Senate + House Races

Yeah but do you want a libtard who believes in snowflakey climate change or a real man who brings a snowball onto the floor of the Senate to own the libs?

Easy one.


lmao what the fuck


The entire thing is ridiculous, but nice cuts to make it look like Dan Crenshaw actually jumped out of that plane. The landing gives it away, though. Sport canopies land with quite a bit of forward speed, lol.


What in the actual fuck did I just watch? RWNJ tough guy fan fic porn is so insane. And that landing was 0% believable even to me, and I only have very minimal skydiving knowledge. I can’t imagine how cringey it was for you lol.


The landing is what we’re going to discuss? Really? Lol

So that is what the USA version of Metal Gear Solid is going to look like in 10 years huh

That’s actually a pretty good ad with just the right amount of self-deprecating humor. Really not sure what you’re all lol’ing at, and you might want to recalibrate your sensors.

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Building on some of the chatter from the SCOTUS thread, if Dems were smart they’d create sound bites for Harrison ads during the nomination process. Call Lindsay out by name. Talk about how Lindsay is leading the charge to destroy the ACA. How he doesn’t care how many South Carolinians die or are disenfranchised thanks to SCOTUS. Etc.


Conservatives are incapable of humor, let alone self-deprecating humor.

A while back Cuse ran UNC out of the gym at Madison Square Garden, and the Syracuse radio guy said something like “Syracuse is up 18 on North freakin Carolina!”

That’s what I keep thinking on these good NC/SC polls.

Jamie Harrison has the lead in South motherfucking Carolina!!!

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Lol, this guys face



She’s excellent. I know I’m not supposed to say that here because she’s a shitlib centrist, but not everyone can be AOC and win their district.


Amy McGrath’s campaign and the money spent on it is such a great example of action bias. Moscow Mitch is a threat so we MUST do something to unseat him! Even when it’s clear that doing nothing (in Kentucky) is the best option.

Edit: or actually doing nothing may not be best. There is probably action that can be justified. But burning money on McGrath’s hopeless run clearly isn’t.

TIL that the democratic senate nominee for Wyoming is an Israeli ecology professor. There isn׳t even a poll on 538 but gl ma’am.

My favorite part about that Crenshaw ad is the right-wing blonde cat fight fantasy. Such a tease.

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TLDR: he did. And there’s a picture.

Democrats donated all that money. Nothing we can do other than try to pivot them from now on toward more appropriate races.