2020 Senate + House Races

Have you tried being less horrible?




saying a southern Black man is ā€œownedā€ is an interesting strategy. I wonder how that will work out for him?




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This Lieberman bullshit is fucking infuriating. This is why we lose. Does anyone think the GOP wouldnā€™t find a way to get him out if the situation were reversed?

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Koch would come in and offer him $50 million to drop out and heā€™d snap call, probably.

paging Mike Bloomberg

I have gotten several texts from Warnockā€™s campaign, so at least thereā€™s that?

Eh, Roy Mooreā€¦ Their issue is getting the far right nutjob sociopaths out rather than the centrist self obsessed sociopaths outā€¦

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Yeah I was going to say they let Roy Moore take an easy seat away from them.

They also canā€™t beat Joe Manchin which is hilarious.

I laughed. Theyā€™re good at this.



I wouldnā€™t give Joe Lieberman a drink of piss if his guts were on fire.

Iā€™d give him a can of crab juice.

Iā€™d like to report a murder. Holy shit.

No bueno. Only Mountain Dew is Kosher.

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You think Iā€™d give Joe Lieberman a kosher drink?

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Itā€™s a fine ad but these guys get graded on a curve. There are probably three million children in america that could crank out better trolls. These Lincoln project ghouls can eat my ass.


sorry I aintā€™ giving Lieberman shit. He can lose his race and stuff his face with it

Canā€™t imagine the Lieberman failson could ever possibly be a bigger fuckup than his dad who held Obamacare ransom over the public option, but him jeopardizing the seat over this ā€œnovelā€ he wrote is like straight out of the Onion:

The adventures of an old man and his imaginary slave. Set in todayā€™s Atlanta, Benno Johnson ā€“ ninety years old, White, born and bred in the Jim Crow South ā€“ tells the story of his almost lifelong relationship with Lucius Cincinnatus Jones, his slave. Bennoā€™s parents give him Lucius as a gift when heā€™s about ten. An only child, he becomes inseparable from Lucius ā€“ through childhood capers, college, and adult life. Now in an old age home, Benno relates their story to Mordecai ā€œTreeā€ Weissman, a successful fifty year old northern transplant who volunteers at the home. Bennoā€™s tale focuses on a particular three day stretch that starts when Benno and Lucius set out on a short canoe paddle from Bennoā€™s riverside home in Atlanta. The trip runs amok and leads to three days during which Benno (and Tree) discover a lot about what it means to be Black, White; free, slave; and innocent, guilty or complicit in todayā€™s America. And also something about friendship, loneliness, growing up and aging.

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All thing hand wringing over Trump and Bidenā€™s age seems quaint in comparison to the situation in Oklahoma. Inhoffe is going to win his Senate seat again (while refusing to debate his challenger). He will be 92 at the end of the term.