2020 Senate + House Races

I’ll be honest, it’s not a race I followed too closely. Didn’t he surge at the end and come close to winning?

It’s KY. Giving money or attention to a race there is the same as thinking there’s a chance to flip Mississippi.

I keep saying it over and over, the way to win these isn’t by jumping in at the Senate level. it’s by running for school board or water board, where party doesn’t make a difference, letting everyone get to know you, then moving up to state assembly, THEN running for house or senate.

I think a lot of local races don’t even list party affiliation…that’s how to get feet in the door.

It takes patience…something I’ve noticed that Rs seem to have in abundance, while Dems just…don’t.


Quinnipiac, 48-48.

Gideon up 54-42 on Collins. Sources tell UP News Collins is deeply concerned.


She decided to jump in at the congress level, lose, and then try Moscow Mitch. Seems like a winning play…

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I’d rather gamble on the progressive guy than take a sure loss with a zero-calorie imitation Republican. Or at least maybe don’t ship her millions of campaign dollars.


Yeah that’s money that could have been spent in SC, for example.

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Where’d you get those numbers? I’d be interested in looking at some of the other candidates

apropos of nothing and I know I’m being shallow, but damn, the dem senate candidate in Idaho is…well, let’s just say I’d consider switching teams for her. Too bad she won’t win.

disclaimer aside, attractiveness is always a factor. I learned this when canvassing in 2018 for Ammar. Got several “That’s him?! Daaaamn, he’s got my vote,” from white suburban women.


You’d switch teams to Our Revolution, too?

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Fellow Pete campaign friend: So, uhhh, how’d you end up on… you know… Team Bernie?

Skydiver: Her name was Paulette, and she had eyes like a shooting star across a beautiful dusk sky.

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I have no issues with their down ballot endorsements.

I don’t like to have a zillion charges on my credit cards for $10 or $25 to ActBlue, so I give to these PACs that have been started by former candidates and they divvy up the money to their endorsed down ballot races. Fine by me. They have staff to vet them all and more time than I do, so yeah.

Our Revolution, Win The Era, and Warren Dems have all gotten money from me this year.


lol, McGrath is trending on twitter and 90% of the tweets are telling people to stop giving her money and give it to Jaime Harrison instead.


someone tweeted it

I’ve seen badpostingdog here, and implicitracismdog on twitter. Is it time for a notsothinlyveiledhomophobiadog? woof woof



While I am a little surprised you donated to Our Revolution, I was mostly just making the easy political switching teams joke off your switching teams joke.

I fixed your homophobic language for you. While I didn’t like his talking points on healthcare, running for POTUS was clearly the right move for his political career.

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Best info is at fec.gov. It has all the candidates’ reports quarterly along with additional reporting that needs to be done as primaries and the general election comes up.

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This is kinda what Booker did though. He got elected to the Kentucky legislature on his second try.

Meanwhile, McGrath lost to the Republican in the 2nd most blue district of 6 in the state.



