2020 Senate + House Races

Not great for Biden and not great for narrative, especially if something bad comes out about the guy. I mean, Republicans will call him a devil pedophile regardless, but if he dropped because of any kind of scandal they’ll surely get tons of airtime screaming about the corrupt radical left.

Saying he hates de Blasio is a free win. Everyone hates de Blasio, including liberals. He’s been truly awful as mayor.

The irony is that liberals (correctly) hate him for being too kind to the cops and conservatives think he hates cops. This is all because he is a terrible politician who transparently switches sides whenever it’s convenient. It’s also why the similarly shitty Cuomo eats his lunch on a regular basis.


They can and will replace the nominee

The article says they can’t. It’s too late.

From the article"

It’s unlikely that the Georgia Democratic Party will be able to replace Van Ausdal on the ballot in November. Georgia state law holds that a vacancy for a party nomination due to a candidate’s withdrawal can’t be filled within 60 days of an election. The Nov. 3 election is 53 days away.

I read another article saying they would but it was quick release and apparently wrong.

I think I just found awval in Twitter

Blackburn is now spreading the made-up baloney that “anarchists” were blocking ambulances from getting to hopspitals

I mean you gotta be really dumb to believe that a big mob was blocking ambulances AND chanting “death to cops” or whatever AND the cops just twiddled their thumbs and tweeted at them to pwease stop y’all AND there’s … no video of this


Felt fake but I believe Garcetti just condemned the protestors.

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Jaime Harrison just schooled Lindsey Graham.

Lindsey decided to go after Jaime’s lobbyist past, by talking about how he was hiding his tax returns. He just let Lindsey make ad after ad, then today released his returns publicly and they were boring. Lindsey lost his credibility wasted a ton of money and had it backfire spectacularly; meanwhile it highlights the hypocrisy that Trump doesn’t release his tax returns


too bad that ghoul is getting re-elected


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The Delaware GOP has been cranking out the crazies for a minute now. The state has been so safely blue that nobody legit, even by GOP standards, probably wants to run.

I mean tbf they had Biden’s seat on lock in 2010 with Mike Castle, but then their primary voters decided to put Christine “I’m not a witch” O’Donnell in the game instead, and that gave us lol Chris Coons. So it wasn’t too too long ago that they had a legit shot.

I think Delaware also has the first openly transgender congressional candidate running this cycle. That will certainly set some deplorable lawn mowers into orbit once the right wing media latches on to her race.

Harrison and Graham even in latest poll


Harrison let Graham rant and rave about tax returns for a week then released them with no issues, lol Linzeeeeee

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gjge, centrist Dems.



lol, like Booker would have had a chance either.

here’s a cheat sheet


The DNC lit a big pile of money on fire so McGrath could lose by 12 points.


If neither of them had a chance there’s at least some value in communicating a progressive message about how democrats can help people. 12 years of that might get us some seats. 12 years of “look we’re doing a poor impersonation of that stuff you dumb republicans like” doesn’t get us squat.