2020 Senate + House Races

He looks better than he did in the 90’s? Is that just me?

Picking Joe Lieberman as VP was maybe peak New Dem West Wing idiocy. We’ll reach across the aisle so hard that we’ll essentially have a Republican VP and then all the moderate Republicans will usher us on the victory. lol no, you lost to an obviously incompetent meme candidate because you alienated the base by picking a warmongering Republican and no one on the right fucking likes Joe Lieberman. Anyway, good to see that everyone has learned the lessons of history and we definitely won’t repeat these mistakes again.


People like to talk about how the VP pick doesn’t matter, and they’re mostly correct, but imagine how history might have played out if Gore had picked a non-horrible VP.

I had never seen that before, that’s my new favorite rant. Absolute fire.


Picking a VP is like Day 1 of the WSOP Main Event. You can’t win the tournament, but you can sure as shit knock yourself out.

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My whole life it seems like the people who want to “shake things up” with wild VP picks get hosed. Lieberman was terrible, Palin was terrible. Safe, generic white guys have been the way to go. I don’t think you can say that Hillary or Al Gore lost in large part because they had terrible VP picks. Pence is like the Platonic ideal of a safe VP pick; he’s not bringing many new people into the fold, but also he’s not alienating anyone.

Kamala is weird because she’s obviously not a boring white guy, but also it doesn’t feel like Biden is doing something crazy with this pick. It feels very conventional. She checks a lot of boxes, centrists will like her, liberals will obviously not be happy, but I don’t see many leftist Biden voters for whom Kamala Harris would be a deal-breaker.

If the candidate is a boring white guy, the VP doesn’t need to be. I think that’s what it is. It’s sad that we have to have one boring white guy on the ticket to feel electorally safe, but I think that’s the current state of affairs in America.

Yup. I preferred Obama due to healthcare but liked McCain back then too. I was bummed they both got their shot at the presidency head to head. I was leaving heavily toward Obama, but the Palin pick made it very very easy.

Obviously given what I know now, I would go back and snack myself upside the head for even briefly considering a McCain vote.

Hilary I agree. Gore picking someone basically right of center? I’m not so sure. But it wasn’t the worst decision he made in that campaign, clearly, and I know that despite being 14 then. So I guess it definitely didn’t in large part. But it might have cost him enough to cover the margin in Florida.

Lieberman would be a sneaky pick in a worst politician draft.

I got him round 4 in biggest asshole draft


Liberals LOVE Kamala. Leftists don’t like her.

“Liberals” are the massive # of Ds who decry racism and then play their role in systematically re-segregating our schools in a way that would make George Wallace blush, correct?


Sure, Jan.

Good luck getting the management consultant to stop using meaningless platitudes. Your post does not generate synergies by optimizing our best in class go to market strategies, stupid.

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You weren’t a fan of the Mitt plus Guy Somehow Less Charismatic than Mitt ticket?




I am deeply concerned that I will hate to see it.


Is there a way for me to vote for him as a resident of a different state? How do I get in on the cheat-by-mail scheme?

I live near the Maine border. I could sneak you in under the cover of chowder.


In “QAnon goes to congress” news, the Democrat running against the insane nutjob in GA has abruptly dropped out of the race.


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Very weird. Minor, but not great for Biden as it gives Dems one less reason to turn out. To be clear though, Qanon Lady was never losing in that Trump +50 district.

Max Rose is a conservative Dem from a Trump +17 district. The reason why “De Blasio is the worst” is “the whole ad” is because he’s trying to appeal to the Blue Lives Matter voters in his district (who hate the mayor because he doesn’t suck enough cop wang) without pissing off his liberal base too much.