2020 Senate + House Races

It’s complex and I’d have to think more about it, but my initial thought is that Sasse’s proposal has a risk of doing the opposite: making state reps more beholden to corporate interests by making them almost like proxy elections for Senators to pour money into. All the money corporations are now spending on Senate elections would go to state legislature elections.

Obviously this would be good for the GOP because of gerrymandering, but in the end, isn’t gerrymandering just another way to make state legislatures and congressional districts less responsive to voters?

It may be a platitude, but voters are supposed to choose their representatives, not the other way around.


Yeah could be. Although it’s a lot easier to dump a few million into one senate race than it is to do it over 60 state house seats.

In any case, I obviously think the proposal is ludicrous as things currently stand. I’m not sure how I’d feel about it if we somehow ensured equitably drawn state legislative districts nationwide.

Well, certain voters

This is the short term view where any action only has consequences for the next election and not beyond.

There is a qualitative difference between action and non-action. Actively drowning someone is worse than not helping a drowning person.

They’d probably change ballots to list the name of the Senate candidate each supports next to their name, or even ahead of it, and then they’d be running ads for the “team.”

The end result is the same, and this isn’t like jumping into dangerous waters. Pull a lever, save a drowning person. Not pulling it is pretty damn bad.

I guess I am just going to repeat this a few more times:

Garbage is a nonhuman form of Susan Collins


That idea is dumb and we’re all dumber for even discussing it. Sometimes you lend credibility to an argument by actually making a rational reasoned response rather than just laughing at the stupid idea.

Have you weighed the long-term consequences of a Trump victory and the downfall of American democracy?

I don’t think I can but I am also not telling everyone that I know the one definitive answer.




Not sure if ads are predictive of anything but I’ve seen a million negative ads against the Dem and not a single one for her or against the R.

House race in my district*




Evil people simply never die. He looks worse than most corpses during visiting hours.


Fuck off already Lieberman


tucker carlson is ripping

lindsay graham

could this get enough R’s in SC not to vote? could it?

narrator they voted him anyway

McCain was Lieberman’s best friend no? (not the other way around though).

(**** him still applies, his spawn is running in GA to lock dems out of the GA special senate race)

and that fucking election right there made ACA significantly weaker

Going to link this rant here again, because fuck Lieberman, seriously fuck you
