2020 Senate + House Races

I think you should go tell someone with pre-existing conditions that you don’t give a fuck about them and will be sitting out in November.


That is not what’s happening.

your previous entries into this spectacle have been to call me a misogynist and a trump supporter, why don’t you go crawl back into your hole

it’s really funny that this forum full of neolib assholes styles itself as progressive

Looooool amazing hadn’t seen that

I respect all the passion for M4A, but I think it’s an empathy fail to assume that people are reluctantly voting establishment only because of privilege. Please consider that others might be as passionate about getting kids out of concentration camps as you are about medical insurance.


Gotta figure any ads reaching Iowa cornfields also reach Wisconsin and Minny too right?

Lol Martha McSally



NC Senate is tightening a bit, and we need it.

Lose Alabama, win Colorado, Maine, Arizona and one more to get to 50-50. Ideally we’d get NC and at least one of IA/GA/GA/MT.


I agree with this. I’ve been posting all along that this is basically a 5 state election. That’s where the main focus should be, but there’s value in expanding to other states on both sides. Especially ones with important down ballot races like Iowa, Georgia, Maine, and Colorado.

Realistically, both sides have more than enough money to flood traditional advertising. And hopefully Biden has some smart people targeting with online advertising. Who the fuck knows what actually gets people to the polls anymore? And during a pandemic?

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I lost $50 if it makes you feel better because I didn’t dump the shares when I had the chance. lol me

mcsally last two polls -17, -19

man, you hate to see it


You do understand that the best insurance plan for a lot of people consists of them paying three hundred dollars a month for the privilege of having 100% co-pays, right?

I’m 57 years old, and I spend $550/month for a plan with a $6500 deductible.

It’s basically a super high priced discount card, since when I do have a medical bill I pay only the insurance allowable amount.

In my former shithole state of OH the hospital/doctor (or often both) sends you a separate bill for the difference between their rate and the insurance rate. They can pick whatever number they want, zero regulation, and will ruin your credit if you fail to pay. A+ system, fantastic job America.

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I assume that people are only “balanced billed” if their providers were out of network.

It becomes a shit show when you’re forced to receive services from someone out of network while being in the hospital. States should mandate that these providers accept the standard allowable from the patient’s insurance…or just move to M4A.

Obviously when you have a legitimate emergency you have zero ability to check who is in network but even if you do that you still almost always get screwed because while a hospital might be in network often the doctors working within it are not (common example is anesthesiologists). This is extra fun when you have separate “in network” and “out of network” deductibles. The system is an absolute disgrace and even typing this makes my blood boil.

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This is my example when arguing with someone who is against single payer who is discussing in good faith. I explain that price transparency and an ability to negotiate fairly are essential for free market efficiency. I ask what they’d do if they were buying a car and got dropped off to sign the paperwork and the price was 20% too high, then I ask what they’d do if they were in the same spot and a tornado was 60 seconds away.

Ignoring that the right answer is actually run to the basement and take shelter, it seems to illustrate the concept. I close with “When you’re having a heart attack you can’t shop prices, not that they’re transparently available anyway. Markets where the consumer is on the wrong side of immense leverage cannot function efficiently. Add in that insurance provides a layer that hides the actual prices from the end consumer and what ‘free market health insurance’ actually is becomes ‘coerced buying under duress with secret prices.’”


Today in Republican Candidates Who Should Be In Jail Instead


Seems smart for her to make a post like that about 3 unbeatable Democrats who she’s going to have to actually interact with in person if she wins. I think she’s one of the two QAnon psychos who won primaries in deep red districts. Seems like she’s got a really good shot at winding up on a terrorism list while being in Congress, which would be a ‘great’ feat and yet somehow par for today’s GOP.

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LOL nunnehi, The Squad has a better chance of ending up on a terror watch list than she does. Who do you think makes those lists? Get real, dude.

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