2020 Senate + House Races


Only a state house race but Jesus.

I know most of the folks here get it, and obviously #notallmen, but this is a prime example of why minority/less traditionally privileged groups push back on the, ā€œDems would waffle crush if theyā€™d just shut up about idpol and stick to economics.ā€

Mental health is an important issue, but I donā€™t actually think M4A would have stopped this guy from abusing women or circulating revenge porn and itā€™s pretty gross for him to act like he should get a pass for that stuff just because he holds some progressive policy positions.


Iā€™m sorry that all the propaganda has resulted in you thinking that leftists think that ā€œM4A would have stopped this guy from abusing womenā€ but thatā€™s a completely ridiculous way to interpret the leftā€™s position on such things.

You and the two people who clicked like on this are fucked in the head if you think that this statement is true. Go ahead and link me to people ITT or wherever in your weird bubble that are saying that ā€œhe should get a passā€ so I can yell at them too.


Iā€™m paraphrasing his own words from the statement linked just two posts above yours. He states,

ā€œAdditionally, we must pass Medicaid for All so people can receive counseling and mental health support based on need for treatment and not ability to pay. I believe with some counseling my ex and I would have had some more self-respect and would have treated each other better.ā€

What is that if not an attempt to (a) deflect from his own personal responsibility and (b) signal to M4A supporters that, ā€œhey, I might be a shitty dude, but at least Iā€™ll give you healthcare, and isnā€™t that the important thing?ā€

And as far as the left goes, I donā€™t have time for the twitter deep dive now, but when the initial revenge porn allegations originally came out, there were definitely people saying that we needed to keep our eye on the prize and not tear down a guy who did dumb stuff as a teenager (which, btw, he still is, so Iā€™m not sure if we can really be sure that he has moved on from the dumb teenager phase)

ETA: F it, Iā€™m mad, so here you go. If you read this, I think the author provides some good examples of the people who defended Coleman and the arguments they used to do it. Feel free to yell at themā€¦



Lmao the camps were built by the Obama administration. Biden told an immigration activist during the primary to ā€œvote for trumpā€. The Democrats havenā€™t held one hearing about ā€œkids in cagesā€ since reclaiming the House.

If you care about kids in cages you are working outside the electoral system right now, as I am on this specific issue

One medium post does not a movement make. And sorry if I donā€™t accept you using the scumbags words of defense to indict an entire movement.

Did you read the medium post or just dismiss it because it was one post? I have a feeling that you didnā€™t read it, because, if you had, youā€™d have seen that she provides several specific quotes and articles from Coleman, Glen Greenwald, another author from the Intercept, and one from The Jacobin.

Look, I know M4A is probably your top issue and I know that you get mad about the Bernie Bro critique, but at some point when lots of women keep telling you that a thing is a problem and trying to explain their lived experience, it would be nice if you at least acted like you wanted to hear their concerns instead of reflexively assuming that I am the victim of propaganda or that I have some axe to grind against a movement.


I donā€™t think this is a left problem when the current nominee for President is an alleged rapist and well documented handsy creep.

No , I didnā€™t read your link. I figured if it had something valuable like something that actually proved your point, you would iterate it ITT. Go ahead and summarize the medium post if you like. Iā€™ll wait for specific examples of people who support M4A that are pushing this guy because he also likes M4A.

ā€œI donā€™t actually think M4A would have stopped this guy from abusing womenā€

This is you falling for propaganda. No one fucking thinks this. And if they do, they arenā€™t anywhere near this forumā€™s radar so maybe you should take your left-bashing horseshit somewhere else.

The answer will surprise you!


Sigh. Itā€™s not exclusively a left problem (I never said it was). But it is a problem, and the left should try to fix it, not deflect from it by pointing out that Biden is bad too.

If you want to criticize Biden, and say that his conduct should be a reason to vote against him (especially in the primary), please accept the same criticism when itā€™s leveled against someone whose healthcare policy priorities align more closely. Otherwise, it just looks like you only care about sexual misconduct to the extent that you can weaponize the allegations against your enemies.

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I feel like Iā€™m taking crazy pills because this post is an insane amount of hypocrisy.

The guy dropped out of his race it seems like the left took care of the problem in that situation. Let me know when the libs get Biden to drop out.

Libs only care about this shit when itā€™s the left because they know their policy positions are inferior.


Acknowledging the significant issues with democratic immigration policy is important. Suggesting they are equivalent to the escalating quasi-genocide of the current admin is harmful nonsense. There are thousands of pages of good information on this, but hereā€™s a decent place to start. This Map Shows How Radically Trump Has Changed Immigration Detention ā€“ Mother Jones


Trump is worse. Both are unacceptable and inhumane. I donā€™t consider rolling back grossly inhumane policies to be merely inhumane to be morally acceptable.

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This is a good take.

ETA: Good take insofar as being pissed off by injustice. Iā€™m still slam-dunking a democrat vote as the best current option for limiting the injustice.

Given that you have a binary choice, it seems like the lesser of two evils and continuing to work at it is the way to go. Especially given where weā€™re headed over the next 20-30 years if Trump wins and cements authoritarian rule. Spoiler: the treatment of immigrants is going to get way worse.

Nobody is saying that you have to vote for Biden and then stop doing anything outside the electoral system that youā€™re currently doing. Vote for Biden and keep doing what youā€™re doing, including any/all of ripping Biden after the election, protesting his policies, donating to charities, volunteering, donating to progressive primary challengers, volunteering for them, voting for them, etcā€¦

Many of us here who you and tabbaker like to argue with about this stuff are doing one or more things on that list, voted for Bernie in the primary, donated to Bernie during the primary, etc. But given the three choices: Biden, Trump, other, and given that either Biden or Trump will win, obviously voting Biden >>>>>> voting other/not voting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> voting Trump.

Biden probably gets you an 80% reduction in drone strikes and significant improvements in the treatment of immigrants and on immigration policy. He stops attacking DACA, for starters. Thatā€™s not nothing, even though itā€™s not enough. Vote for some progress, and keep advocating/voting/donating/volunteering/working for more progress.

Thatā€™s how you win on an issue over a year, two years, four years, 10 years.


Too many kids in cages and drone strikes for me, but I get that this is an acceptable amount for you. Iā€™m sorry that your damn brain is so broken that you think that some drone strikes and some kids in cages are acceptable.

I will never hold back on calling him out for the moral abomination that he is - a man who pushed us into war and lied about it, and I certainly donā€™t have any respect for those who would quash such a conversation.

If everyone thought about voting like I did, the country would be a much better place. What if everyone thought about voting like you? Well, youā€™re looking at it.

I didnā€™t say acceptable. Iā€™m just happy enough to pull the lever to divert the trolley away from 80% of the people, and then get back to trying to find a way to stop it.

Itā€™s sort of a prisoners dillemma, and your approach is going to lose pretty badly in this situation.