2020 Senate + House Races

Just looked it up, Iowa swung 15 points from 2012 to 2016. Hillary won New Mexico by less than Trump won Iowa. It’s tough for me to believe in an argument that Iowa is trending blue after that.

As far as moving forward, why waste resources in places like Iowa that could be spend in Georgia or Arizona, which are demonstrably turning blue?

The comments are delightful.

corporate turd Joe Kennedy, who thinks you should suffer medical bankruptcy but only with a lawyer by your side, gets condolences from snake careerist Elizabeth Warren, who used her 15 minutes in the spotlight to make sure that poor people would never get healthcare any time soon

match made in heaven

Warren endorsed Markey, jackass.


seems like she doesn’t need to give Kennedy condolences then

if you’re mad at the part where i continue to shade the biggest snake in Democratic politics, consider not doing so


hope this righteous fight continues

rip my sweet king


You’re mad that she didn’t piss on his grave? Get over it.


I’m mad that she used her 15 minutes to take a money bag and kill the progressive movement, and that turds like alex will rub their nipples about it. Yeah, I think she should keep her dumb trap shut rather than validate “righteous fights” that include "medical bankruptcy, but only if you have a lawyer’

Perfectly in line with her fake-ass support for Medicare for All, and contributing to the 10 million that will be uninsured under Biden.

Remember when evil snake lady went on SNL?

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Yes, I do remember. That was her moment to validate and strengthen progressive ideals. She validated and strengthened her own career to the detriment of the homeless and uninsured. Of course this isn’t going to be how someone on the internet with insurance, money, and full privilege is going to see it, but I accept that you are completely blind to this reality.

Warren also congratulated Markey (before expressing condolences to Kennedy). How dare a Democratic Senator from Massachusetts talk about a race for the Senate in Massachusetts!



My first point was that Alex is crowing about the “replies” on that tweet, most of which are calling a snake a snake. This is because he doesn’t believe that it is a bad thing to take $15M from rich donor Karla Jurvetson (who formerly sent money to Nazi Joe Arpaio) and stab the progressive movement in the back. He sees people upset about how she fucked over poor people and gets excited.

She’s a terrible piece of shit that did real damage to the prospects of the working class and if you don’t agree with that framing, fuck you.

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Hey btw who did Bernie endorse in this race?


Can we get over the snake stuff here in September 2020 maybe?


I agree it’s pretty childish to be upset at someone calling Warren a snake at this point, but here we are.


I think you should go tell someone with medical bankruptcy that it didn’t really matter what Warren did this cycle

I understand that this only affects you in that you have to see some posts on the internet that you don’t like seeing, but it actually affected the working poor in this country very significantly. May I suggest you use your privilege to just ignore discussions of this nature?

Also this:


Swaths of bros calling Warren a snake for endorsing Markey while saying nothing about Bernie sitting on the sidelines is pretty fucking absurd.


They’ll never get over it because it was never about policies for these people, it’s pure edge-lording.


Based on House of Representatives numbers, Iowa swung 13 points from 2016 to 2018 and flipped 2 of the 4 seats. There’s a plausibly winnable senate election this year.

It would be absurd not to try there.


The people defending whatev tantrums are the most absurd part of this spectacle.