2020 Senate + House Races

Lol I agree that they should fix that.



Kansas Dems bringing new meaning to WAAF. I like it.


In case people didnā€™t get this, We Are All Female. I was saying itā€™s a good thing, and good for the Kansas Dems.

Susan Collins!



Fuck off and lose, Susan.

Welp, so much for the only candidate I sort of gave a shit about this election cycle.

Dudeā€™s in his 30ā€™s and doing Tinder hookups with students as young as 18 at the college where heā€™s a lecturer. gjge, really looking forward to congressman Nealā€™s 4,738th term.


Heā€™s probably screwed but Isnā€™t this basically the correct take?


Didnā€™t he use his leadership position to attract students? Some said he made them uncomfortable, too.


dude seems like a clear predator. He was inappropriately DMing people and you dont get Roy Moored from events for no reason. (theres also some blame the other way, why the **** are you doing that with someone that much older but theres freedom in the world to do dumb things that dont hurt anyone else)

also the intercept guy who tried to work with tara reades very shaky at best claims to bring biden down is hard defending him.

also my apostrophe button is not working, sad

also he was hard supported by justice democrats (might still be, I dont pay attention to them clearly). Politics sadly arent immune to this sort of thing no matter what group youre in.

Itā€™s Matty Y so probably the opposite of what he says

It is correct. This is a fine example of cancel culture. The guy is having consensual relationships with like minded adults who were not his students, and therefore we must support a weak establishment Democrat opponent (or de facto support him by sitting out).

He didnā€™t even have a good university position that could make the case for power dynamics with students who were not in his classes. Iā€™ve read that he was a lecturer, which in most places is a non-tenure position, paying something like 50k/yr. Could even be a euphemism for adjunct, which pays effectively like $12/hr.

Do we know none of them were his students?

Do you see no problem with a local politician pursuing students who are in College Democrats?

Does it change it heā€™s 25 instead of 30? 45 instead of 30?

I have virtually no problem with him meeting a student off Tinder who is not in any of his classes, and is not pursuing a career in Dem politics and doing whatever they both want. The issue isnā€™t a 30 year old sleeping with an 18-22 year old. Thatā€™s legal and while different people may have different feelings on the morals, I donā€™t think itā€™s relevant to most people as far as pursuing office goes.

The issue is a potential abuse of power in pursuing women for sex.

Iā€™m pretty sure he wasnā€™t abusing his power to pursue women for sex.

The joke here, in case people are not following closely, is that Morse is gay, and the students in question are male.

I wasnā€™t aware of that, but it doesnā€™t make a difference in my take.

Matt Yglesiasā€˜s tweet said they werenā€™t, but thatā€™s not explicitly stated in the article, so idk for sure. Although that would be the lead story if there was an allegation like that, so itā€™s fair to assume there isnā€™t any, at least not yet.

Generally no problem, but it depends. If thereā€™s an explicit power relationship between them (like somebody who works for him or is his student), then I have a problem. Outside of that, the only extent to which I care is how much will the people heā€™s trying to hook up with view rejecting him as harmful to their careers. Given his level of power, very few people can have credible fears of retaliation. Also nobody has alleged retaliation to my knowledge.

heā€™s gay

from all accounts that Iā€™m aware of they werenā€™t his students

they banned him from some events prior to this all getting out, thatā€™s how far over the line he was going (though nobodyā€™s still come forward directly)

In the letter, Morse is described as ā€œa widely-admired and well-connected gatekeeper to progressive politics in Massachusetts and nationally, which makes the task of refusing his advances fraught for college students who wish to enter progressive politics themselves.ā€

I would also consider the possibility that some of the students he was interested in were on a track to consider taking one of his classes in the future. That seems to me like a loophole in the UMass policy banning relationship with students you have a responsibility for. If you can get that relationship in before they start taking your class, that doesnā€™t break the rule. If you turn him down, would you feel comfortable taking his class?

The accusation that this is some sort of quid pro quo attack rings hollow to me. Does Richard Neal seem like the kind of candidate who excites college-age Democrats?

  1. Heā€™s an idiot for not being able to keep his dick in his pants in situations that absolutely anybody with a brain would realize are problematic for a politician or a lecturer.

  2. He was unwelcomed by multiple College Democrat organizations who have had direct experiences with him. I will trust their take on this.