2020 Senate + House Races

Yeah the hardcore aren’t backing down. Two quick highlights from the article…

Coleman, 68, blames the governor for the county’s economic woes, and the Democrats in Washington for America’s coronavirus death toll which will soon surpass 160,000.

“President Trump has tried to do right, but they won’t give him a break. I think he loves his country, not just the rich, the middle class and poor as well. He’ll get us back on our feet, Joe Biden isn’t capable of running this country, I think he’s got Alzheimer’s or something.”

Boyd and his wife both have multiple underlying medical conditions and worry about catching the virus, but do not hold Trump responsible. The only news channel they watch is Fox News.

“We know it came from China, and the Democrats have stopped Trump from doing a good job, they keep fighting him on everything, like the mayors who don’t want federal troops. I used to feel that colored people should have the same rights as whites, but not after these riots. They’re calling us racist but it’s white people like us that put Obama in … voting for him turned out to be a mistake.”

I thought we were done with the safari pieces. Could the media possibly be any lazier?


:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


I lost it at the why do they keep calling us racist thought process right after using that c word


My friend is one of those who stood up to run as a democrat against a previously-unopposed R incumbent. She had no primary challengers, and it will be a tough road in the general, but THIS is what I’m talking about when I say we need to run a Dem in every race possible. She probably won’t win, but her district has gone for so long without a democrat even trying, that getting the ideas out there is the way to start changing minds.



If the red states and blue states split, the red states would reinstitute slavery within a decade and then be like “Why do the mean liberals call us racists??? We treat the slaves so well! We give them two whole meals a day and we only make them work 12 hours a day six days a week, we give them the Sabbath TOTALLY off! MCGA!”


I don’t usually donate to people who have very little shot in races that won’t have a big impact (assume Dems have no shot at the State House in TN), but good for her for going for it and trying to get a better message out there, so I made a small donation.

Hopefully she can at least run a strong enough campaign with enough funding to keep pushing a good message. The ad on her website is very well done for a State House race on what I imagine is not a huge budget.


Any chance KYians put the blame on Mitch for the stimulus collapsing?

Thanks! Wasn’t expected, but I’m sure she appreciates it!

At the risk of drawing the wrath of certain posters, I’ll say that she’s had a lot of help and encouragement from grassroots supporters of the same candidate for whom she organized during the primary. ahem.

Being the only dem to run against a corrupt republican bigwig nets her a lot of endorsements, too.

If we get there…election is a fucking bloodbath.

The problem is so many people still say, “well I hate Mitch, but if a bill comes up that would be good for KY, Mitch as senate majority leader is good for KY”



I honestly didn’t even know there was a US senate race in TN this year. I guess all the national press assume it’s a lost cause so they didn’t bother covering it?

It’s the Alexander seat, since he’s retiring. You know I’m on board with rooting her on since she did it with no money. That’s awesome for her. The cheapest win so far in the primaries until this one had been about $350k, which I think was Cori Bush’s (forgive me if I’m wrong about total and/or which candidate).

Holy shit that’s crazy.

She doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page as of right now.

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well the last TN senate race had a well liked democrat vs a republican even r’s didn’t like and she still won by 10 points so…


thanks bernie

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Eh… that’s an ilhan campaign email. That’s probably closer to ‘shared’, and I’d be zero % surprised if all the major left wing figures were sharing lists with each other. I also have no problem with it.

While I’m not surprised at all at the very least they should chop off all text after the plus signs…